A Mission pt.2

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There was a loud explosion and I heard two bodies slide against the ground. oh no I thought. I can't use it not this early. I have to wait for the perfect time.

"Well..Well, Well I thought I heard a snake but all I got was a couple of mice" a man with a raspy voice said. I closed my eyes... he has so much chakra... he must have a crush mark as well. 

" Wait, wait we are here to negotiate not to fight can't we just talk this over" shika said. come on shikamaru what are you doing you can't just get nervous already. you have to hide that in a situation like this. 

"Lets not forget your friends shall we" I let the strings wrap around my wrist and my ankle and gave in willingly. I can't show them not yet. I was pulled from the trees and into the air until I landed on my back connecting to the hard ground. I got up quickly knowing that kiba was going to throw the smoke bomb at any moment.


" what's that going to do.. I still got you. these strings are so fine they are nearly invisible but they are strong.

" So, that double trap was actually a triple trap. heh you must be the smart one of the group." shikamaru said. as he said this shika Maru sent his shadow slowly to capture all of them.

" and you're about to be the dead looking one.. what what's happening to my body."

 As shikamaru praised them for making him look good I was keeping and eye on their chakras making sure that none of them used their curse marks. suddenly I heard three shurukin coming for sheik's way. I ran and pushed him taking the blow.

" what was that" 

" earth barrier jutsu" a deep voiced man said.

I felt the earth shake I need to keep my cool. I kneeled down and pulled the shurukin out of my arm. I felt the chakra of the man come all around us. and it eventually trapped us.

"ahhh terrific" shika said sarcastically

"what is this" neji responded quickly

just as quickly shikamaru responded " its an earth barrier of some kind"


"yeah like that's going to help." kiba responded with an ugly tone, " a wall is a wall and there is no wall I can't punch a hole through."

" I guess its worth a try." shikamaru said. kiba gave it his best shot with his tunneling fang. but in the end it didn't work the wall ended up rebuilding it self.

"LET US OUUUTTTTT!!!!" Naruto yelled once more.

" it appears to be more than just a dirt wall" neji said.

" well yeah, its made out of chakra." I continued " that's why its able to regenerate itself."

"byakugan.... the wall... the wall"

" the wall is what neji" shika asked concerned.

" our chakra its absorbing it like it is a sponge."

"NO WAY THEY CAN DO THIS TO US, LET US OUT RIGHT NOW." Naruto yells desperately.


eventually all of us got weaker and weaker. some of us were kneeling on the floor while shikamaru and I were fighting the sensation pretty hard. Shikamaru gave up and fell on the floor. I forgot about my self and went to his side. " Are you okay."

" I should be asking you that." he continued " you're the one that got hit with the shurukin."

" im fine, you are our leader im just making sure that you are in top shape because we need you."

" well im definitely no in top shape but I will be fine"

" Something must be done shikamaru and quickly" neji said while looking at Naruto. I could tell that shika was beating him self top for the situation that we got into. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him telling hime that everything will be fine and we will work this out.

" fang over fang!!" kiba yelled. he charged the wall and started spinning. it wasn't working. maybe ill have to use it after all. ShikaMaru was thinking I could tell by the felling around him. my hand was still on his shoulder. I quickly took it off because of my feeling of embarrassment. shikamaru grabbed my hand and said.

" you're helping me think don't move."I blushed but obeyed. " hey I want to speak with your leader I have a deal, a deal where you let us go and you can keep Sasuke." I tried to pull my hand away but shakes grip tightened.

" I never let anyone go before so no."

" come on why don't you just let me go and you can keep everyone else." my eyes widened. then I smirked realizing his was trying to do. " all of this fighting, im tired of it, it's really not my thing."

" if you are selling us out im going to ring your neck"

" shut up kiba for once in your life."

" what did you say" I looked over at choji and we both nodded to each other knowing that shika has a plan. we both remembering what shikamaru said at the beginning of this mission. that he would put his life on the line for Sasuke because that is the way of our village.

everyone started fighting and me and choji had enough of it " that enough, everybody shut up" choji said annoyed 

" What is shikamaru doing, is he meditating or something." Naruto said confused. shikamaru was still holding on to my wrist and I can only give him a look of curiosity. As the others talk I was only able to focus on shikamaru awaiting for my next order. 

shika lets go of my wrist and speaks " Neji I need you to focus your eyes on the wall behind you and the wall behind choji do you think you can do that."

" I think so"

" what you are just going to listen to him." I guess Naruto hasn't figured it out.

" kiba are you up to putting another dent in the wall behind choji" shika continued 

"yeah I guess" kiba responded

" yes I see it that's the spot." negs pointed out that some holes close faster than others. the slowest on is the weakest point of chakra.

" shikamaru you're a genius" I whispered while jumping up and down. neji marked the spot with his kunai knife. Shikamaru was really proud of himself and I couldn't blame him. he was honestly one of the best chunin out their in my opinion. Asuma taught him well. I couldn't help but smile and give him a hug.

"EXPANSION JUSTU" I looked at choji while keeping my one arm around shika and one arm on his chest. I was so happy that these two were on a team together. A Big Bang appeared when choji gave all his might and rolled right through the wall. we all escaped in a swift manner and once we were all out. 

I could feel the shocked look on the opponents face and I couldn't help but smirk.

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