The battle

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"This is it, the moment I've been waiting for." Kimimaru said. 

"HEHEHEHE" We all looked behind Kimimaru seeing that Sasuke has emerged from the case he was once in. 

"Sasuke" Naruto muttered. " Come on, lets go home... Come on, everyone is waiting for ya"

He was stronger... to the point where it's almost scary. I can here the desperation in Naruto's voice. and honestly I don't know what to do. I know that in the end Sasuke will have to choose his fate. none of us can change that.

"TALK TO ME" Naruto screams

My head immediately shot up and looked at Naruto. I know that he will bring Sasuke back. it might not be now, but at some point he will. I looked at Kimimaru and smiled. I got in a stance feet wide hands down by my pouch. I was ready.

"What is wrong with you have you gone deaf or something?"

A strong gust of wind comes past us I can feel the leaves brush pass my face. Sasuke bends down and leaps in to the air out of sight. "Sasuke, wait".

Damn I let my guard down. Kimimaru was behind naruto getting ready to attack. With out thinking sprinted as fast as I could. everything was moving in slow motion. My hands went on Naruto's back and I pushed him out of the way with arms out wide I was expecting thins to be the end. 

" It's no use" kimimaru states," Now die"

I shut my eyes and as I do so the chakra from my eyes fled. Nothing came. there is ringing in my ears. I can't see once again. a warmness comes to my face. the ringing.... its gone.

"Who is this."

"It is I the leaf village's handsome devil"

LEE! how is he here. he injured his legs. how is he ever walking?

"Bushy brow, but what about your injuries"

"Naruto go get Sasuke "

"Are you sure"

"I have things handled here"

I felt strong power with in me  " Naruto he is right go find Sasuke. I'll help lee" with all my might I pushed chakra right into my eyes activating my rennigan. Once more I spread my feet out wide and my hands down getting ready for a fight of a lifetime.

"Just be careful will ya, he uses his own bones for weapons." naruto informs lee.

"Chriko you really think you can take me on. forget it while you still can" Kimimaru starts. Naruto begins sprinting to the forest that was infront of us. " I don't think so" He turns around and chases after naruto. with a blink of an eye lee was there catching the bone in hand like it was nothing.

"I dislike being ignored" lee jumps into the air does a spin and puts him leg right on kimimaru's collar bone. Kimimaru jumping back and lunged for another attack only to revive an uppercut from lee. I hear the sound of Kimimaru's shoulder coming back into place. I waled by lee getting in a stance. I know we have to face him together or else we will lose this fight. 

"The next one will be your last"

I lunge forward sweeping my legs to kimimaru's. Once I felt no impact I knew he jumped out of the way. I look up to see lee kick kimimaru in the chest up in the air. Once he lands on the ground I jumped up aiming a kick for his head. lee comes in behind me and tries to hit him on the collar bone once more.

"He's too fast I can't land a single hit" lee states "your agility is impressive" he praises. which just causes me to face palm.

Kimimaru responds " your style is too direct. almost obvious"

Lee gets angry and he charges. we shouldn't be fighting out of anger we need to keep our composer or else. 

Kimimaru swiftly doges lees punch. lee falls to the ground. now its my turn

"Its over" I start running to lee's aid until he says

 " one moment please." I stoped on a dime, and so did kimimaru. "Im sorry but I have to take my medicine at a certain time and that time so happens to be now." kimimaru lowered his weapon. " im sorry this will only take a moment." 

Lee drinks his medicine and its like it hit him instantly he started swaying back and forth. eventually falling on his back. Kimimaru and I just stared in amazement. if he new he was going to act this way why did he take it!!

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT YOU STUPID JERK" lee said with flushed cheeks. 

kimimaru rose his weapon. lee didn't see this as a threat he charged him and began kicking and punching. I smiled and thought ' who is predictable now' I jump up as kimimaru hits the ground. Its my turn. I start forming hand signs and I yelled "PROPELLING WINDS" a short blast of wind came out of my hands. Lucky for me kimimaru was distracted. The condensed wind hitting him right in the chest.

" ALL THIS JUMPING IS TOTALLY MESSING WITH MY HEAD." lee says as his back hits the ground and he passes out. 

I guess its all me. Kimimaru slowly walks towards lee. Once he reaches leee he raises his weapon . lee springs up and grabs it. "HAHA YOU FELL FOR IT" he begins punching and kicking giving three good hits on our opponent. lee then proceeds to fall back once again. and once again springs up. "Hold on a second what am I doing here?" lee then falls on his butt.

"Well if you are I don't think it will hurt that much when I send you in to the after life." kimimaru states. what is he even talking about? Right before lee got stabbed he twisted in his sleep. Kimimaru proceeds to do the same action over and over again but it didn't work. lee woke up once again catching the weapon with his feet. 

"can't you see I'm trying to take a nap?" lee counters with three kicks in the stomach.

As they fight I try to think of a plan. I know if I just think about how useless im being I will only make matters worse. but I want to be strong. I don't want people to see me as the young blind girl anymore. I clench my fist and jaw. I don't know what to do at this point. maybe he is right. I look back up with tears in my eyes and I see that Kimimaru has opened up his curse mark. This made my tears instantly go away I know I need to do something but what. and before I know it everything went black.



I landed softly using my sand holding lee up in the process. I couldn't sense one of the three chakras that was here before. I took it upon myself to look around only to see chiriko's body on the floor pale and almost lifeless. her lips blue and blood sliding down her cheeks. she used up her chakra. I guess I have to make this quick so I can get her to the hospital. 

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