A mission pt.1

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 I woke up with a banging on my front door. "who could be knocking at this hour" I got up from my soft bed and shuffled my way to the front door. I opened the door nice and wide to see my visitor clearly. 


I noticed right away that it was one of asuma's students because the smell of cigaret smoke that radiated from their clothes. "yes?"

" I really need your help"

"okay?" I crossed my arms and leaned on the door frame.

" Sasuke left the village."

my mind went blank as I repeated what he said in my head a few times. my eyes went wide as soon as I realized what he said. I don't know what I should do. is it really my place to help. me and Sasuke weren't really close.

"yes...I'll help."

"thank you " he said as he grabbed me and pulled me along a rocky path. we must have gone under trees because the night air got cooler. when we arrived at our destination he was still holding on to my wrist. blood rushed to my cheeks, once everyone arrived he let go. 

"oh by the way, im shikamaru."

"nice to meet you."

everyone was in a circle kneeling as shikamaru gave a plane explaining the formation that we would be in. 

" someone is watching us" I said as I sensed a person in the trees.

asuma and a friend came out of the trees. "do you really think that you guys are able to go on this mission without telling  the hokage!!!"


"you guys also think that you are going to bring chiriko with you!" asuma said in an annoyed tone.

" with all do respect sensei, chorizo is able to handle herself, she was able to sense you while you were concealing your chakra."

" I don't care what she is able to do she is blind and she is in more of a chance to get hurt in a fight then you guys."

I hung my head down low I felt embarrassed but I knew I needed to say something. "sensei, I can handle myself, and nothing that you say will effect me. I will continue with this mission no matter what you, hokage, or the greater power says." my tone was soft yet serious.

" chiriko im just worried"

"I understand, I would be worried too, but for me to grow as a better ninja I need to take risks" I looked up at him with determination in my eyes.

" okay." he walks up to me and gives me a hug, " just please be safe."

"ill try my hardest"


all of us me, Naruto, shikamaru, neji, choji, and kiba we jumping tree to tree. Akemaru started crying. 

" what's the matter with him" shikamaru asked with a concern in his word.

" he smells blood."we continued jumping till we got a little bit more answers " there are two new comers along with the sent of Sasuke and four others. the two stayed back wile Sasuke's group moved along." kiba said.

" just as I thought Sasuke has an escort." I could tell shikamaru was going to have a hard time after this mission ever though he is so determined no ones first mission as a leader ever goes well. there is just to much that need to be learned.

" there is no question we have to go after Sasuke!" naruto continued.

" who died and made you the leader." kiba counters.

" well shika" I asked

" I think we should go to the spot where the blood is located maybe we will get some more information" he continued, " shika huh?" I can feel his side eye and his smirk I regret saying it now.

" but if we do that Sasuke will be long gone he will be out of the border of the land of fire." neji informed us.

" so what will it be shikamaru!" Naruto yelled in a hurry to get an answer.

" .............. we go after Sasuke, and we have to be careful because there was already a battle Sasuke's group will be on high alert. so don't let your guard down not even for a second."

we continued jumping and Naruto went on about a new just he learned. then me and akamaru sensed something>

"they're all around us" I said in urgency 

" everybody stop" shikamaru said. we all stopped on the same branch of the same tree. we all looked around  because at this point anybody could be coming from anywhere.

" its a paper bomb " I pointed out

" ahh its one of those its a trap jutsu, its a tricky one. you see, there is a delay in the paper bombs until the victim gets in the center of all four.

" now we gotta waste time going around it, great" kiba said annoyed.


we were walking making sure not to trip any wires. 

" Naruto watch it!" shika said he launched a shadow in narutos direction stopping him just in time.

" didn't I tell you to watch your step... you moron!!!!" kiba yelled

" kiba we need to be quiet we don't know how close they are. I have a feeling they are much stronger at canceling their chakra the any of us so we can't give away our position." I said 

" byakugan!" I could sense the chakra all around his eyes as he focuses on the area around us.

" I see them"

" well them lets go" Naruto said.

everyone started one upping each other saying that they all have new Justus but they have no I dead what I have in store.


I was in the doctors office getting a check up when Tsunade came in the room. " chorizo may I try something."

" yes"

she put her hands on her back forcing her chakra in to me. I started screaming in pain....." my.....my eyes!!" I looked up and I was able to see there was a beautiful blonde lady I assumed to be lady Tsunade. 

" just as I thought."


we all huddled together making a plan. " the timing of those smoke bombs a crucial" shika continues " split up lets go"

A/N do you guys know what chorizo has up her sleeve? I would love to see your guesses!!

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