Chapter 5

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So we drove back to the hotel and me and Carly grabed all the stuff we brought with us Wich thankfully wasn't much we were however embarrass by how much one direction merch we had we were so excited to be staying on the tour bus though we keept talking about it in the car I could hear Paul laughing in the front seat but he also remain professional about it about fifteen minutes latter we arrived at the location the tour bus was at it was the same place we had just been exsept in a restricted area behind the stage it was soooooo cool the whole bus was red exsept for the parts that said one direction or had the boys face on it the bus was even more amazing from the inside it also seemed bigger there was a living room type area but it was quite small mostly filled with couches and a small table then you have a small kitchen that I'm sure they never used jugeing from all the nandos bags lieing around next you have the bed area there were 6 beds one for each of the boys and one that I figured was for anyone who came with us but when I pulled open the curten it was filled with junk like it was almost pulsing on me oh wait beds can't like well let's just say alot of stuff was falling off so me and Carly tryed to shove it all back in before the boys saw. Finally we found an area for the bathroom and a small recording room wow this is where all the magic happens after I finished looking around I went to find the boys to my surprise they were all in the kitchen with Harry cooking meatloaf yum did he know it was my favorite anyway I was surprised that they knew where the kitchen was let alone know how to cook I asked Harry if I could help him but he just refused and told me to sit down finally when dinner was done we all sat around the table talking like we had known each other our whole lives likened were family I liked that after that we just kinda hung around I found out that we were going to Dublin next I can't wait only one problem where are me and Carly going to sleep so I asked the boy they just kinda looked at each other embarrass and as if they were trying to think I dont want them sleeping on the floor i heard zayn whisper to  Harry I know but where eals are they. Going to sleep Louis and Harry said they all just looked confused and there was anawkwered silence between us all so me and Carly went to the kitchen to grab our stuff assuming we would be sleeping on the floor or couches when we got back all the boys were in a huddle quietly whispering to each other they all looked up when they heard foot steps in the hallway me and Carly started to set up our blankets and stuff with all the boys standing there in silence when we were almost done I saw Liam look up with a look of hope almost like he had just found enough courage to say something umm k-katie if you um if you want you can sleep in my bunk that's when I started freaking out my favorite member is proposing I sleep in his bunk I can't believe it. Umm in y-yeah sure but umm where is Carly gonna sleep I questioned uhh she. Could sleep in NIs bunk said Louis omg did they already know our favorite members aperntly well but this time Carly had already passed out and Louis took it upon himself to drench her in frezing water she woke up then we'll we had our sleeping arngements for the night so me and Carly headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower then climbed in to our asighend bunks a couple minutes latter I felt the small bed dip beside me I looked over to find a really sleepy Liam I was finally able to process words umm hey Liam yeah he mumbled almost already half asleep thanks for letting me sleep here no problem I didn't want you guys sleeping on the floor he said now can Wembley to sleep I. Really tierd your guys brought so much merch with you it's never you know we both just laughed and before I knew it  I was snuggiling in close to Liam's chest once I realized this I quickly pulled away on umm sorry I really didn't mean to I mean I uhh he started to laugh its fine I don't mind love your better than Harry he basicly flattens me the boys have no boundaries oh OK I started to laugh a little as I snuggled back into Liam's chest  falling asleep to the suthing sound of his heart beat IV only ever dreamed of this moment but now it became a reality and I can't wait to see what the day has to offer.

Hey guys sorry I didn't update yesterday my dad had to go get taxes done and my story part didn't save or publish so when I got home I fell asleep and when I woke up this morning and further on my tablet I found that my story part had saved thank God so I went back though it and tryed and I mean tryed to edit it and then added some o it to make up for yesterday I'll post a dubble update today but it won't be untill late tonight I love you all and am spool thank full for all of your who are reading and or voting it means a whole lot to me do you think we could get this to about maby 20 likes that would be awesome anyway I love you all can't wait to see what you think 

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