Chapter 19*

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Oh yeah and what would that be Liam asked while shuting the door to his dressing room ohh now I was nervous usaly I'm confident but when he wants me to talk dirty to him like that I just can't I don't know why  umm I looked around then down at the floor ashamed and whispered something what was that love Liam asked I finally had confidence I looked up and walked closer to him pressing him agenstet the door kissing him hard fuck me Liam fuck me hard with that I was being lifted up by Liam and placed on a large couch that was there he looked down at me and smiled so beautiful he whispered then we both started striping down he layed on top of me I liked when he was dominet I don't know why though it was almost comforting we started kissing roughly and pasinitly like we had never kissed befour I loved it Liam soon broke away from my lips kissing down my neck and my stomach down to my pelvis I was sure what would come next but even when it did I still gasped for air as pleussr ran through my body his warm toung inside me was all I needed I could stay her for days right as I was about to come he stopped no no no you think I'm letting you off that easy babe not a chance he said I got what he wanted I crawled over to where he was now standing and knelt down to my knees I leaned forward enfolding his linghth in my mouth thrusting him in and out when he would not the back of my throught I would gag a little but just went on soon enough he was ready to come also so I retreated back his low moning turned to pouring haha I laughed you didn't think I'd let you off that easy I mocked he growled in the sexyst was and pushed me down on the bed slaming into me with no warning I soon felt the pleasure rush threw me like lighting it felt amazing Liam thrusted in and out harder and faster than ever befour soon lifting my legs above his shoulders this felt even more amazing he was going way deeper than befour soon the only sounds were our moans filling the room about three minutes latter we both abounded our realse with a scream and fell on top of each other Liam pulled out and layer next to me I love you he anoused me too I said snuggiling into his chest soon we hear a noise and looked over to see Louis curled up in a ball in the corner rocking back and fourth slowly then he lifted his head I will never be the same Agen he said then returned to his position at first we had no idea what he was talking about but then we soon found out wow how would we ever fix this

Oh yeah and what would that be Liam asked while shuting the door to his dressing room ohh now I was nervous usaly I'm confident but when he wants me to talk dirty to him like that I just can't I don't know why  umm I looked around then down at the...

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How is it so far guys sorry wattpad was being stupid and wouldn't save my storie 😑

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