Chapter 18

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First off thank you guys so much I almost already have 130 reads!

We were almost to the interview I was so excited that after this we would be starting the world tour it will be so exciting to travel the world like I said except for the past 2 or 3 months if never been outside of  waverhampten we were going to this radio station call top 105 it sounded cool I just really wanted to get it over with already it had been an hour already and they were asking the last question soooooo Liam you and Niall are the only singles huh well are there any lucky laddies you have your eyes on? Actually we now both have girlfriends Liam and Niall wandered together wow I heard the reporter say so who are the lucky girls she said almost as if she was pouting umm well my girls name is Katie she is amazing and from waverhampten also Liam said then Niall praticly yelled his answer my girls name is Carly Carly come here he yelled umm one moment he said running off then he dragedd Carly back in with him see I told you she was beautiful then she sat on Niall's lap I heard Liam exscuse himself and he came walking though the door hey umm do you wanna go in there you don't have to if you don't want to he said Liam I would love to go in there I said so he took my hand and lead me inside the small room I ended up haveing to sit on Liam's lap to but i didn't mind I liked it in a way about 12 miunets latter the interview was over and we went to the stadium that they were playing at can you believe it it's maddison square garden I mean that's huge I was really glad they brought us along they could just be stuck up and not let us go anywhere with them soon rehesles ended and since they got them done early they had 2 hours to spend with us and this time they all had there own dressing rooms so Liam walked into his where I was waiting for him he walked in and I could see the lust in his eyes and the bulg in his sweats hey babe I think I know how to spend our 2 hours I said

Hahaha you guys have to wait till tomorrow hahaha love you all

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