Chapter 21

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Short update also zayn dyed his hair it's soo cute

Soo the boys have a three day break befour we head off to Florida I'm so excited IV never been to the u

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Soo the boys have a three day break befour we head off to Florida I'm so excited IV never been to the u.s only dreamed of it today I called my mum since I haven't for a while I told her how everything is going I obviously left out a few parts😋 but overall told her everything I even told her how I'm going to Florida with Carly and the gang she thought that it was amazing how we all ended up with our dream guy haha I never really though of it this way I guess we did any way I finally got of the phone with my mum and walked over to Liam who was making breakfast today it was French toast and bacon I love Liam he is like the best cook ever I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist he didn't Evan jump just whispered I love you babe I love you too soon our presious moment was ruined by a very awake Carly and Niall running in the kitchen screaming FOODDD!!!!!!! Those two are soual mates I swear on yeah I forgot zayn and Gigi are engaged so are Niall and Carly Harry and Kendal are still just dateing same with me and Liam Liam put the food on two plates and placed them Infront of Niall and Carly who quickly are all the food and got up for more I looked at Liam with a pouty face hey where's mine I asked he leaned close I'm takeing you out tonight he said oh was all I could reply Liam told me to dress formally so I did he took me to McDonald's and got breakfast I love this boy he knows the was to my heart he then brought me to the park we were near we walked arousing a little and then he sat me down on a bench and got down on one kneen Infront of me here is what he said : I have never been that good at speeches but I'm gonna try Katie ever since I saw you for your birthday something in my world had brightens I still don't know what but something did I don't feel empty like I did I don't feel alone like I did I feel complet and happy you have brought me back to life and lit up my world you were some of my firsts and I want you to be all my lasts Katie will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me? I looked at him as I didn't realize tears had been finding there way out of my eyes the whole time yes Liam yes I will marry you I cryed I was soo happy Liam picked me up and spunt me around come on we have to go tell the group there exspecting an answer by six OK I giggled and we walked hand in hand back to where the bus had been to tell the group the good news latter we would each also call our families and friends 

---------Ok so what do you think it's finally comeing to an end yes now qoustion should they have a kid or not? I'm thinking one in the epilog but not the story idk comment bellow please love you all good night 

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