Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to @birthdayhorse (Bella brewer) she is really cool to cheek out her story life of a runt ít is good OK continue reading my lovelys

OK so we just arrived in Dublin and I'm really excited about this because I have never been here either and I was here with my favorite people in the world we still had a couple hours untill the show so Niall said he would show us around sence he grew up her let me just say that Ireland is a beautiful country me and Liam stayed close so did Carly and Niall I think he was nervous because he keept pointing out useless facts that has all already learned in school yup he so likes her something snaped me out of my thinking I looked down to see me and loans hands very close almost as if hemwas trying to signal me to take his hand I really wanted to but I think It was just an ancient because we were walking so close yet many not he has acted like he likes me but also he is the nice guy too I'm over thinking everything uhg why did it have to be Liam payne from one direction that I fall in love with why couldn't it be a boy from school like Patrick or Chris they were nice boys yet Agen something snaps me from my tranc this one it's Liam asking if I had a boyfriend umm no I'm I'm not really good enough for any body and I know that you guys are actually like some of the few boys I would trust with my heart on well that's an houner now isent it he jokes but then gets serious but never think you not good enough or worth it Katie because you are you really are then befor I know it he grabbed my had not harshly but hard enough to tell me that it was intentional and notmjust his hand bumping with mine we walked around some more then of course Niall got hungry and suggested we go to nandos I was fine with that but of course Liam had to make sure first when we finished eating we went to walk out but got stopped by Paul boys on and Carly Katie there are so many fans out there that they had to block the street OK you guys know the drill well Carly did she has been in a bunch of mobs but me I had no idea and I was terifed I think Liam could tell though he looked over to me and grabbed my hand and Heald it tight just keep your head down and follow Infront of me try to walk fast don't wander any questions or anything OK babe y-yeah I noded still scared hey it's OK look at me said Liam if you get too scared then just look back at me or squeeze my hand your gonna get through this OK I know your strong or eals you wouldn't have agreed to come out here with us I just noded my head quietly still nervous but glad and great full that I had Liam to help me though it all finally we were walking outside I emedetly heard all the bad things people were screaming instead of the good who is that ugly thing, why is she with my Liam, she needß to bacccckk of him, what's she thinking shes not good enough or pretty enough for any of he boys I really hated hearing all of this stuff burning had to get used to it because there would surely be more suddenly I felt dizzy and hot almost faint I felt as if I was going to be sick I looked back at Liam holding he would notice he did he put his arms out to pick me up but the next thing I remember is falling hard on the paved  street and everything going black and completely dark.

Hahahahahahaha cliff hanger so how is the book so far I feel like it has gone down hill you guys will have to tell me remember I love you and stay crazzzzzzyyyyyy 😝🙈🙉🙊🙆💃👯💋💓💜💝💞💕💖💟💗💙💚💛🐵🐒🐶🐕🐴🐎🐇🐘🐭🐧🐹🍩🍩🎼🎵🎶🎤

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