Chapter 10

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Hey sorry everyone my wifi has been down since Friday and we don't know when it will be back up I'm updating at the hospital while visiting my grandpaul so just please be patient I'll update whenever I can believe me the no wifi thing is killing me!!!!

Me and Carly sat back stage as the boys started to finish the show we have been siting back here for about an hour and a half and the boys have been threw like three out fits but we finally heard them say their goodbyes and they came back satge bu...

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Me and Carly sat back stage as the boys started to finish the show we have been siting back here for about an hour and a half and the boys have been threw like three out fits but we finally heard them say their goodbyes and they came back satge but there was something different about Liam his eyes seemed darker and bigger he wouldn't take his eyes off me but I just shoved it aside it can't mean that much right anyway we all got on the tour bus and started jokeing around about what had happened on stage we were all laughing so hard then out of no where Niall and Carly jumped off the couch screaming Paul !!! Paul came running in thinking something was rong hey both fell over laughing what is it you almost gave me a heart attack Paul breathed then Carly and Niall looked at each other if I ever did that I think I'd have a heart atttttttaaaawacccccckkkkk they sang OK I get it now what is it Paul breathed were hungry we all said OK OK hold on Jeff he yelled to the driver to o nandos please can do Jeff replyed next thing we all knew we were siting at nandos eating pamrma raped chicken it was amazayn I looked outside to see the tons of fan gathering I began to get that sick feeling inside Agen I was affried I would pass out Agen Liam just put a hand on my arm and looked at the boys I think we need to go now guys make looks tierd so Liam swept me up bridal style and carried me out to he car making the excuse that I was sick and weak so we got in the car and started to drive back to London Liam though in the car keept me On his lap the whole time we drove back to the tour buss so I snuggled in close to his chest and put my head in the crock of his neck the next thing I knew I was being carried and placed on something soft I woke up emedetly it's fine love relax I looked up and saw the same look in Liam's eyes big and wanting like he needed to tell me something yet he didn't like he was affraid to he climbed in next to me he looked over at me hey Katie yeah I said umm I know this sounds really forword but ever since I did that birthday message with you I realized how beautiful you are and that katie I umm I love you I looked over at him Liam yeah he said I love you to with that he softly pecked my lips and wihspered go to sleep princess so I snuggled into his chest once agen and slowly drifted off to  sleep thinking that I am now Liam Payne's girlfriend 

Hey guys this is the only update I can do so far I'm trying I really am but the people still haven't fixed my wifi some of you requested smutt but I'll do that in my next book because I'm reading this one to my dad and it would just be to difficult to try to modify that when reading it sorry but I will make a smut book I promise also yay kaiam is finally a thing yayayayayayayaya

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