Chapter 6

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I woke up this morning with a warm fealing In my chest my heart was fluttering as I looked around and realized that I was not in mymown room and that in fact I was on one directions tour bus in the same bunk as Liam Payne using his chest as a pillow this is unreal it has to be a dream and I really don't want to wake from it but if this is a dream then I know I will have to wake up soon so I slowly shifted in my spot causeimg Liam to stir in his sleep and wake up what's wrong babe he said with his hot morning voice I looked over wait his isent a dream I whispered what was that love Liam asked on umm nothing I'm fine I'm just gonna get a shower I said trying to get from the other side of the bunk to the bathroom only to be Heald back by Liam whoa babe hold iv really gotta go to the bathroom and I can't hold it much longer  and I'm not going while your in the bathroom so I think I'll go first he said well I guess we will have to see who gets there first then huh I asked while shoveing him out of the way to race to the bathroom if I get there before him I can lock the door hahaha I said he was hot on my trail but I finally got to the bathroom and locked the door before he could get in I rested my back agenstet the door knowing he would probably try to get in here in a minute all the sudden I jumped to the sound of pounding KATIE!!! I KNOW YOUR IN THERE YOU LITTLE JEARK GET OUT I HAVE TO PEEEEEE!!! He complained nope I got here first your just going to have to hold it noooo I hate you so much right now OK if you wanna play that game then I'll just go in the bushes i SAT there trying not to die laughing Liam Payne using the bushes as a bathroom that was a new one and he wasn't kidding 2 minutes later he walks in and says I'm fine now by this time I was already showered and dressed in a very pretty floral sleeveless dress it seemed like when Liam saw me he could barely talk does he like me no it can't be look how famous he is and I'm just a little girl from waverhampten OK maby not so little me and Liam are only a year and a half apart any way I heard Niall walk over to Liam and say come on lover boy you can stare in the car right now zayn and Harry finished breakfast and I'm starving but we can't eat untill everyone is seated so sit your pretty little botty down and Lets get feasting OK or eals I'll eat your hand that shook Liam out of it he took a seat next to me and it fealt as if he never took his eyes of me after breafest the boys got changed leaving me and Carly to talk so I looked at carly with excitement and coriosity did you and ni ni baby snuggle all night she looked to m disgusted one don't ever call him that Agen and two no I kept waiting thinking that he would come to his bunk but no he slept on the couch how about you she asked on well my night was the opiset of yours Liam was beside me the whole night and we talked a little i ended  up laying my head on his chest them I got embarrassed and pulled back but he said it was fine and he didn't minds so I fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me and to the sound of his heart beat it was amazing something that could only be in stories yeah yeah OK stop bragging now Carly said just then the boys walked in but that didn't stop me and Carly shooting each other a he is definitely into you look hey girls the boys started we were gonna got to the mall be for we hit he road you guys wanna go yeah we both said together by the time we got back we had each had at least 3 bags full of stuff we will never use but got anyway after placing everything where it goes we headed off towards our next stop I can't wait I sat by Liam the whole time Harry kept staring at me the whole time but Liam had a protective arm around my shoulder and Everytime some body would pass by his grip would tighten I think he actually loves me I love him just want to hear it back those three words I love you

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