Chapter 20

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Sorry guys I'm really busy also I can't get that stupid draft to go away my brother got on here and messed with some stuff

Sorry guys I'm really busy also I can't get that stupid draft to go away my brother got on here and messed with some stuff

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Lou him ok calm down what did you see I asked hopeing it wasn't much.umm I really don't want to talk about it right now but uh zayn told me to come get Liam we're on in 20 umm bye he said then quickly left after that I had started to cry I probably just scared my best friend for life and it's all my fault I must have been thinking out loud because Liam came over and huged me hey it wasn't your fault I forget to lock the door he said plus he will get over it we all walked in on zayn and we are all fine now OK babe he said while huging me a bit tighter this time yeah i replyed back OK well then get dressed you innthe front row with the rest of the girls and I have to be out in 20 we both got dressed and walked out as soon as the boys saw us they all burst out laughing what is so funny i demanded you guys are like a really pathetic porn movie zayn finally choked out yeah Niall said while falling on the ground Louis then started laughing yeah scared my but I walked by him and whacked him on then head idiot I mouthed then walked out the exet to get to my seat the box were really good tonight also Everytime there was a special lyric liam looked to me and sang it too me it was so cute all the other boys did it for their girlfriends too it was cute soon enough the boys did there last song and said there good byes to everyone and came off stage they got everything put away and we all loaded onto the tour bus now we are headed to our next destination Florida IV always wanted to go there Liam started talking about things we could do there but I was soo tiered I started to fall asleep but he got it he knew I wasn't trying too so he picked me up name carryed me to our bunk come on love let's get you to bed he said lyeing me down then getting in himself he pulled me close and whispered goodnight princess.

Hey guys it's short I know and I'm sorry I just have a lot of family stress going on and my ELA and math teacher isn't helping any she keeps loading us up with projects and peppers uhg take me back to first grade also though guys please pray for everyone in London right now it seems most people are OK and none of the boys or there family were hurt and if your wondering what I'm talking about they had a teriost attack on the 22 it's the 23. as I'm posting this so please send your prayers 😘😊

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