Chapter 9

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This will go back to Katie's POV         

I woke up to birght lights and some consered sounding voices then I head Liam talking to himself " i love her I just wish I could tell here she would probably think I was insane" I cleared my throat and saw Liam turn on his heel to face me he looked very concerned hey Liam I said oh hey your finally awake I was really worried you know that right wait how long have you been awake OK slow down too many questions one yes I know you seem like the type of person to worrie about someone you just meet and two not long I like just woke up but better question how long was I out I asked obviously not knowing the answer ohh not long he reassured me many half an hour OK why did I I think pass out the nurse thinks dehydration but also you could have just been getting to scared in the huge crowd of paparazzi Liam awnsered oh now I remembered everything me looking back at Liam then falling ontomhe pavement I can't remember anything after that though OK Hanks for filling in the blanks any time babe he said I'm physically screaming on the inside why won't he tell me he loves me already aww who am I kidding I was probably just dreaming that I had to be right anyway if been staring into space for a while I should probably talk to Liam now sooo um when can I leave I asked if say about 5 minutes I just have to sign some papers ohh the medical forms I completely forgot I'm so sorry no not hose kind of pallets we got hose taken care of dang autographs I heard him mumbble soon we were leaving the hospital hey what time is it I asked 7:35 why oh no your conserts 25 muniuts i said wee no gonna get there on time man the fans sure are gonna hat me now I signed now they can come to us about that I heard zayn say from across me oh yeah I had barrly remembered the other boys and Carly were hear too then I heard harry pipe up besides I don't think they will care if we're late it's if we skip then we'll probably get killed just then everyone burst out laughing we all needed that after the scare I ascaditaly gave them all Hehehehehe we were almost there and when we finally arrived it was beautiful and loud very loud me and Carly went out the from imtrence to get a seat but Niall and Liam grabbed us by our wrist oh no you guys don't you get to stay backstage and dont worry about being mistaken for a crazzzzzzyyyyyy fan all our staff now knows you it's OK wow I never expected this but OK the boys drug us to their dressing rooms they were actually quite nice anyways they showed us where everything was and how to get here and also how to work something's like the live TV and stuff like that then they did their little huddle thing it was weird but cute they let me and Carly do it with them so we must be pretty special they then headed out on to stage there starting song being lwwy ( live while we're young ) and me and Carly sat watching ever move from the live TV they have alot of water fights I mean I knew this already but it seemed like so much more this time maby they were trying to impress us who knows they're weird weird boys but I love them anyways about there third song witch was moments i sat there wondering if what Liam said was a dream or if I heard him actually say it.........

Hey guys how's it going I love this book so much I'm even reading it to my dad

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