Chapter 15

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This will be a short chapter 

I woke up this morning feeling better way better than yesterday but when I tryed to sit up it felt like someone had stayed me in my stomach I looked down at the sheets great it was my period just great I got up and changed going to the kitchen to ...

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I woke up this morning feeling better way better than yesterday but when I tryed to sit up it felt like someone had stayed me in my stomach I looked down at the sheets great it was my period just great I got up and changed going to the kitchen to see if Liam was there since he wasn't in bed sure enough there he was in his Batman apron making my favorite breakfast pancakes with chocolate blueberries and strawberries uhg I love him so much right now aaww babe I gushed running in to the kitchen hugging him I just love you I know he said the boys went out for breakfast but I stayed here since you wernt up yet aww babe I gushed yet again but this time I gripped his shirt and started to cry he just Heald me there rubbing my back hey shhh it's OK im here I'm never going to leave you he cooed in my ear about five minutes latter I was siting next to him scarfing down pancakes but I then started to cry again aawwww babe you even made them into heart shapes I cryed so Liam came over yet again to comfort me hey babe are you sure your not pregnant he asked I chuckled and whipped away some tears nope I started my period today ohh he said OK he seemed not weirded out at all Wich was strange because even my dad got weirded out when I was on my period after breakfast he picked me up for a piggy back (I'm really light OK!?) And he carried me into the living room space he set me down on the couch and told me not to move I didn't know why but I agreed because these cramps are killing me Liam came back about 5 minutes latter with a bowl of raspberrys some Tylenol and a heating pad he played the heating pad in and sat down on the couch he told me to lie down so I did placeing  my head in his lap he gently put the heating pad on high and placed it on my belly then he had me take the tylonal then he had be lie back down In his lap while he put F.R.I.E.N.D.S on one of our favorite shows he had started feding me the raspberrys Wich I found quite cute his phone went off signaling a text that he read hey Katie the boys and everyone are going clubing tonight so they won't be back till tomorrow they got a hotel and we're staying here on the bus at the arena somthe bus is all ours.mmmm OK I replyed loosing the feeling of his hands combing through my hair hey Katie are you still haveing bad cramps mmhhhmm I replied as one had hit me just then hey sit up for a minute so I did I know this sounds weird but if been looking up soloutions for cramps and it said that sex actually helps relax you mucals but if you don't want to do that we won't OK I looked at him I was suddenly turned on so I pushed him down on the couch and whispered in his ear let's do it then we sat back up and he carried me bridal style to his bunk

OK guys how do you like it sorry I haven't updated much I have had alot of things happening lattly anyway whenever you see * by a chapter that means it will contain smut OK? OK! Have a good day/night my lovelys see you all later byyyyyyeeee

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