Chapter 8

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OK this chapter will be in Liam's POV 

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OK this chapter will be in Liam's POV 



I was trying to get Katie into the car as soon as i could unfortunately we were he last ones out of he building so wemwee last I'm the car I could tell that she was scared so I gave her my hand and instructed her on what to do e were almost there and I saw her look to me she was really pale I went to turn around to carry her but before I could I felt a tug on my hand and the next thing I knew she was lyeing uncouncios on the ground I suddenly started screaming for the boys and the gaurds any one I knew could help me I felt myself drop to the ground and pull her into my lap I gently lifted her head to make sure it wasn't bleeding or had any bumps on it before I knew it all the fans had backed away some and the gaurds were beside me waiting for me to tell them where we needed to go I'm too protective to let anybody carry her so I gently picked her up bridal style and rushed to the car as soon as every one got in we rushed to the nearest hospital I didn't want her to get hurt I should have had more gards uhg I must have done something for this to happen to her the whole car ride there she didn't move but her breathing was steady so I wasn't too scared but I was at the same time we finally arrived at he hospafter what seems like an hour long drive I didn't wait for the boys or surcurity or anybody for that matter I picked Katie up Agen and ran inside at this point not careing if there were paparazzi around Katie needed to be taken care of now I rushed up to the reception desk and started babaling words that didn't even make sense in my head I was just trying to get it out so that Katie could be taken care of sir you need to calm down I need your name Liam James Payne OK and this is Katie we were walking though the paparazzi and she just passed out she bit her head but I cheeked and there was no bleeding or bumps OK let me get a bed and we will take her to a room I think it may just be dehydration we have been getting a lot of those lately  we finally got a bed and they took her to room 138 by this time the boys and Carly had gotten I'm here to see me doing In a chair waiting for further news I hope she will be OK hey how's she doing bud I heard one of the boys voices but I didn't bother to look up though it sounded like Niall OK I guess they said it's probably just dehydration and that she has no concusion or any damage she should be wakeing up soon they have already started an IV of saline to rehydrate her on OK I heard everyone say together finally I saw a nurse walk out for Payne she asked I jumped up yes is she OK yeah she's great she just woke up and keeps asking for a one direction on that's us sorry it's fine lovemgo on in I assume you know Wich room yup thanks though me and the boys apoched her room me being the happiest because I don't know what I would do without her because the truth is I have fallen in love yes I said it I love her I could of cores never say this out loud but I did I really did love her and I wanted her to know that I knocked on her door happy that she was OK and heathy turns out it was dehydration next time she's not aloud to leave anywhere without a drink I can't have this happen Agen I almost had a heart attack OK but I was happy to hear her sweet voice when saying come in I can't wait untill I can tell her that I'm in love with her them one and only Katie

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