Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and new I was glad it was Liam who took my vriginity from me I couldn't think of any one better I looked over to say goodmorning to Liam but he wasn't there then I smelt bacon pancakes and eggs I told him not to get up early to cook for me but no when do boys ever listen sometimes men can be such a pain in the but you know anyway I walked to the kitchen to see all the boys setting up the table for breakfast I walked over to Niall umm what are you guys doing he looked up dang it your not supposed to be up yet Liam she's up Niall yelled geez what was all this about and where were all the other girls wondered I was taken out of my trance by Liam's voice already no no no no your not supposed to be up yet he exsclamed he then picked me up bridal style and carried be back to his bunk and layer me down you stay here untill I come get you I agreed but didn't want to OK but will you tell me hate going on here I asked OK fine it's the first time we have all been in a relationship at the same time pluses the boys wanted to make an apology breakfast for you oh OK I nodded so the other girls have to stay back here too yup he answered now can I go finish cooking for my princesses he asked I laughed and replied with a rather giggly yes soon the boys came and got their special girls each of them carrying in the other it was pretty cute and cheesy at the same time but o tell you I rather like being cheesy I don't know why but I always found it cute don't judge 😡 anyway breakfast was good at least the part that Niall didn't eat I don't know how him and Carly pack away so much and still stay sticks uhg I wish I could do that anyway after breakfast I was informed that along with the boys me and Carly elanor,kim,and Gigi would be joining us on tour that made me really excited my bff and my three new ones how !ICU better could this day get aperntly alot because I found out that we were on our way to L.A IV always wanted o go there and I can't wait the boys started dishes and told us to go into the living room and pick out a movie it was going to be a couples day today and I think we were all excited about that yet I do like of feel nausus and my head hurts I'll have to tell Liam latter I don't want to ruin cupples night for him and everyone eals about 15 muinots later the boys came in with tuissues blankets and pop corn each boy SAT by his girl with tuissues a blanket and a bowl of pop corn we started the movie it was the note book I just love this movie so much but I couldn't enjoy it because of my head ACH and stomach ACH so I leaned on Liam hopeing he would get the plot he did becausemhe asked me what was wrong so I told him he looked worried so he told the boys that I wasn't feeling well and that he was gonna take me to bed early he carried me to his bunk with a thermometer and a bowl he took my tempeture and it was about 103.5 f yeah your not going anywhere babe he said illmbe right back I gonna go get a wet towel and some medicine I nodded but as soon as he left I felt as I might  be sick I therw myself over the bowl and started throwing up Liam must have heard because I heard alot of things drop and he came running towers me holding back my hair and rubbing my back shhh it's OK princess he hummed when I had finally finished he took the bowl and washed it out setting it back beside me and puting the cold goal on my head he also gave me some cold and flu medicine then all the sudden his face droped umm Katie is umm is there anyway your pregnant he asked what!?!?! I screamed how could that be possible we used a condom didn't we yes but I'm I could of broken I felt broken hearted what if I was pregnant I was only 18 and Liam was only 19 I started thinking what I would do if I was pregnant but frist I needed to see if I was umm Liam can you drive me to get a test from the store I asked shyly oh no need I found these in the bathroom there from about a month ago when elanor was pranking Louis he didn't take it too well anyways you can use these there not exspiered or anything OK th thanks Liam I stuttered I slowly walked to the bathroom my feet and hands trembling I felt like mine was going to fall but I didn't I made it to the bathroom and sat down quickly did I really want a kid could I take care of a kid I don't know my family would probably help and I know Liam would but what would my friends think imdont know let's just get this over with I slowly peed on the stick and laied it on the sink I sat there with my head in my hands just waiting for the 5 minutes to be up already imsoon heard the door creak open it was Liam hey have you cheeked yet it's been 10 minutes I shook my head he sat on the floor and reached for the test I was about to look at it before I heard Liam wait he said I want you to know that no matter what itmis I will alway surport you if we have a kid great if not great you would be a wonderful mom he said I thanked him then slowly looked at the test I started to cry the test read .....................

Hahaha got ya u didn't really think I was gonna tell ya did ya any way yeah i know you can't tell if your pregnant after 2 days but this is a STORY so build yourself a bridge and get over it whatttttt??? I said I was cheesy lol love you guys and thanks for reading 😘

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