Chapter 16*

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Yah I know this is a pic of zayns deal with it haha jk 

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Yah I know this is a pic of zayns deal with it haha jk 

Liam had carried me bridal style to his bunk I was full of lust but also not sure if I wanted to do this last time it hurt like hell but I trusted Liam I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me I looked to Liam are you sure you wanna do this I am on my period does that freak you out a little I questioned him he looked at me his eyes big babby nothing could turn me off you I love you and I always will  noded glad the boys and everyone won't be back untill tomorrow Liam looked at me where do you wanna do it this time I just looked at him and laughed slightly I think the bunk will do this time my cramps are really bad OK just sit tight love he sat me on the bed and we both started undressing Liam gently pushed me back and hovered over my lower region he gently brought his hand down and started to pull out my tampon once it was out he just threw it aside and quickly but gently inserted his long fingers into me he started to pump in and out as I rolled my hips up to meet his hand it felt amazayn and I was completely taken over by lust Liam soon withdrew his fingers and drew up my leg drawing patterns wth the blood that was on his fingers oddly enough this turend me one alot I wanted him in me now I looked down at my thigh when he was done traceing his fingers on me it said Liam I couldn't help but laugh Liam soon put a stop to the laughing hovering over me and roughly kissing me it wasn't needy though more of like a I love you for real kiss I knew that this was love and not all lust and I was glad he looked me in the eyes ready babe he asked I nodded my head and felt him slam into me this time not waiting for approval or asking if it was OK to move the thing was though that it didn't hurt the pleasure came rushing though me as Liam slamed in and out of me over and over while I would lift up my hips to best his Liam then took my left leg and lifted it over his shoulder with this I could feel him go deeper inside me and I loved it I loved the feel of Liam this close the feel of us and just us Liam keept slaming into me as my body kept rocking on the bed Liam started whispering dirty things in my ear babby your so wet for me mmm down you know how tight you are I'm gonna fuck your pussy so hard you won't have one tomorrow this only turned me on more so I started rocking my hips faster and faster u till I felt something deep down inside me Liam I gonna..... I know babe when I say now go OK I nodded hopeing that it wouldn't be long OK now LIAM!!!!! I screamed as I came hard so did liam he  exspiered inside me witch felt amazing  he pulled out and colopsed beside me suddenly he acted scared and I heard an uhoo I looked over what babe tears started forming in his eyes babby I'm sorry he wished what are you sorry for hun I for-forgot to u-use a condom he sobed into my shoulder I giggled at that and pulled him up hey babby look at me after that little scare about 3 days ago I went on the pill your OK and even if you did get me pregnant I would be happy that it was you really he asked really I replied OK he whipped away his tears and rolled onto his side and pulled me close we fell asleep spooning each other I just love that feeling of us being this close.

Just a reminder anytime you see * by a chapter that means there will be smut! 

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