Black Wing

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When people think of childhood, most people think about a stuffed teddy bear or a specific day that stands out to them for one reason or another. But me? I think about Gabriel.

I can remember us running across the meadows of Harlan, laughing and playing without a care in the world, there was nothing that could have come between us. The locket Gabriel had given me on my seventh birthday would bounce off of my dress as we ran, the silver, heart-shaped locket read, 'Friends Forever'. That was a promise both of us were determined to keep, but ofcourse at the tender age of ten, anything seems possible.

When I returned home one night from a fun filled day with Gabriel, my mother, Grace, and my father, Michael, were sat in the living room waiting for my arrival. My father sat on the edge of his seat, his face crimson with what I was guessing was anger, and I immediately wandered what I had done wrong.

But my mothers face reassured me I hadn't done anything, she was glowing, as always, she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, her auburn hair flowing around her shoulders, her captivating green eyes urging me to come closer to her. I looked into my mothers eyes, wondering what was going on, my eyes squinting as if trying to telepathically ask her the question.

"We're moving" Her face lit up just by saying it, but while her face lit, my face dropped.

"But-" That's all I could manage, I couldn't get the words past the lump in my throat, I was devastated.

"See! I told you this would happen, she doesn't want to go" My dad was furious; it was obvious he didn't want to go either. My mother faced me.

"Darling, please, you know I love you, I'm only doing this for you, if we go to Lydon, you can have a better education and actually make something of yourself, besides I've already called the removal men, we are moving tomorrow" my mum was still trying to get my father on her side. I just looked at my father, and it was obvious he didn't want to go, but it was also obvious that he would go wherever me and my mother were, he couldn't bear to have us leave. I just looked at my mother and said.

"Lydon? But that's ages away!" I couldn't believe we were moving, how could she does this to me?

"Yes love, but you can adjust, your only young, you can make new friends"

As soon as the word 'friends' came out of her mouth, I jumped up and ran out of the door, I could hear my father calling after me, but it was no use. I was running to Gabriels, I knew how things were going to turn out at home, we were moving, no doubt about that. I keep running, I will my legs to go faster, to not waste anytime away from Gabriel. But when I reach his house, my stomach churns, I didn't want to do this. But I knew I had to, it would break our hearts, but there was no other way. I knock on the door of his cottage-like house. Gabriel answers.

"Amelia! What are you doing here? Sneak out again?" I always find it funny when Gabriel asked me that, because I only snuck out once. The look of joy on his face when he saw me was unbearable.

"Gabriel, I've got something I want to tell you, come outside" I shift my weight from leg to leg, as he steps outside and closes the door.

"Amelia, are you okay? You look like you're going to be sick"

"Yeah, you could say that" I said, feeling my stomach churn at the thought of what I had to tell him.

"So, what's wrong? You know you're not supposed to be out after 7"

"Gabriel, I'm moving" then I added the fatal blow "tomorrow" It was better to just come out with it, rather than drag it out. But his reaction wasn't something I was expecting.

"Well that's okay, we can still see eachother, it can't be that far away. You still have school" My heart crumbled.

"It is far away Gabriel, I'm moving to Lydon" I watched for his reaction. It was worse than I expected. His face dropped, his eyes closed, and I thought he was going to explode with sadness, but he just looked up at me, and said

Black Wing [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now