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Zico and me were sitting in the living watching dramas and I was enjoying every second of it. It was just us, together. I was so happy.

His arm reached around my shoulder as he pulled me into his chest. I'm in love with this boy. He stared down deeply into my eyes, they shimmered and were so beautiful.

"Y/N, I love you." he smiled with a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.

My heart pounded out of my chest and I smiled. "I love you too Zico."

He leaned down and shut his eyes, so did I. Our lips connected and it was so soft and fluffy and...

My pillow? I quickly sit up and throw my pillow across the room. "Ew!" I yell before running to my bathroom. I quickly grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth.

Why would I dream something like that!? I mean why!? There is no way I'm gaining feelings for him, I can't be.

The dream felt so real though. Like he was right there. I scoffed and rinsed my mouth out. "No way." I chuckled to myself before heading to the kitchen.

"Good morning." my mom smiled sitting at the table drinking coffee. "How did you sleep?"

I roll my eyes. How did I sleep? "Fine." I spoke pouring me a cup of coffee. "Just fine."

"Did you dream about boys?" she nudged my arm.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why? And no I didn't."

She sighed. "You're just getting to the age where you might be wanting a boyfriend and eventually a family of your own." my mom smiled. "I want grandchildren."

I almost choked on my coffee once she said that. "Mom! I'm only 19!" I coughed out.

"I know sweetie...I'm impatient." she sighed stirring her coffee. "You are a good girl though, I know when you find the one he will be the one." she winked at me.

I stayed silent as I kept drinking my coffee. Thanks mom for making my morning awkward...more awkward actually.

It was 11:30am and I was finishing getting ready. I didn't do anything different from my usual routine but my mom wanted me to look 'nice'

Before I knew it the time hit noon and Zico wasn't here yet. 10 minutes later...20 minutes...30 minutes...

"Y/N, where is your friend?" My mom asked kind of saddened.

I sighed. "I don't know...he isn't my friend."

My mom stood up. "Why don't you go looking for him sweetie. Maybe he got nervous or something." she chuckled. "I would be too meeting such a beautiful girls mother." she winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please mom, stop it." I laughed. I grabbed my jacket and headed towards the door. "I'll be back in a minute."

I left the house and headed down the road. I didn't see him anywhere. About 5 minutes of walking I heard boys laughing from an alley. I peaked my head in and seen 3 boys spray painting a building.

Of course it was his friends. Not Zico, but his friends...always getting into trouble...I groan in frustration as I force myself to walk towards the boys. "Hey!" I yell at them.

They stop laughing and snap their heads at me. The fear left their faces once they seen it was me. "Hey beautiful! What's up!?" Mino yelled running up to me. "Aren't you suppose to be with Zico?"

"Yeah I am suppose to be with Zico but he never showed up to my house, so I went looking for him." I explained. "Have you guys seen him by chance?" I ask everyone.

BamBam started laughing. "He is scared."

"What?" I ask before the other two started laughing with him.

"He is scared! Zico is scared!" BamBam laughed.

Mino shoved him. "Oh shut it! It's kind of cute." he chuckled. "Maybe he really like you." Mino fluttered his eyes at me and made a pouty face. "How sweet."

I narrowed my eyes at them and crossed my arms. "Knock it off you immature imbeciles." I growled. "Take me to his house."

Everyone stopped laughing. Suga spoke up. "Why do you care so much?"

"Why do you care so much? Show me. Now." I demanded putting my hand on my hips.

Everyone made an ooh sound. "Feisty." BamBam laughed. "What's in for us?"

I walked over to him and grabbed his ear. "What's in it for you is that I don't beat you up right now for disrespecting a women."

BamBam winced in pain. "Ah, okay okay okay!" I let go and he held his ear in pain. "Aisshh!"

"Good now let's go." I said with my head held high. I want to know why he is late and what that idiot is doing.

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