Dixon Daughter

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It's been at least two months sense the outbreak had occur. I was living at a house about a mile away from Atlanta Georgia. (A/N the rest of this chapter is before the outbreak)My parents were at work and I was just finishing up with the school day. The bell rang and everyone ran outside to enjoy their weekend. I climbed into Claire's red convertible in the front seat. Claire was my cousin, and everyday after school she picked me up.

We arrived at her place. Her parents were at work so it was me, Claire, her twin Clarissa, and my friend Jenny. We watched tv, listened and danced to music, and ate pizza. I looked at my iPhone to check the time and it was 9:30. "I gotta get going." I said. "So do I my parents will kill me if I'm not home by 10:30." Said jenny. "Ok I'll give ya a ride." Said Claire. Clarissa stayed home as the rest of us climbed into the car.

"Bye girl see ya tomorrow!" Yelled Claire and Jenny. I smiled. "See ya." I said, unlocking the door to my house. I walked inside as Claire sped off down the road. "Hey." Said my brother Ian. "Sup." I said. I plopped on the couch and started to text my friend Sasha on my phone. I looked at the tv and he was watching breaking bad. My dad charged down the stairs and ripped the remote out of Ian's hands and turned it to the news.

"Remove the head or destroy the brain." Said the news man. "I repeate, remove the head or destroy the brain." The news showed a picture of some sort of creature. I gasped at how hideous it was. Blood dripped out of its mouth and it was feasting on a humans stomach. The poor man was dead. "What the hell!" I shouted. Dad turned off the tv. You must promise me you will never go near one of those things." Said my dad. I just glared in his eyes, then nod.

And army charged into the living room. A man grabbed my dad and my brother and threw them into the back of a truck. Another man grabbed my arm as I shook him off struggling to get to my family. Two men dragged my mother down the stairs and threw her in the truck. I watched them and fought back. Two men came up to me and grabbed my hands and feet as they pulled me to the truck.

They slammed the doors shut after I was thrown in. More people were in here. It was dark, only the light of the street lights outside showed little light through the window of the doors. The windows were barred up so I was unable to break through. Sounds of groans and people screaming and gunshots we heard outside.

The truck hit a large bump and we all jumped in the air. We hit the floor again with a loud thump. The driver took a sharp right turn and we all flew the opposite way, hitting the walls of the truck. Then the truck came to a complete stop and we all fell over. The men opened up the doors and pulled us inside this large building.

They brought the boys in one room and girls in the other. I started to panic as they locked us in the room. You could still hear the gunshots and the screams. I took a deep breath and breathed out threw my mouth as I tried to figure out what was going on.

My mom pulled me by my arm and hugged me, whispering words I could not hear. "Mom speak up! What?" I asked. "It's happening." She mumbled.

Dixon DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now