Chapter 25

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Carl held my hand tightly in the middle of a flower field. Everything felt perfect to me at the moment, the sun shining, Carl with me, birds chirping, no walkers near and far. I wished it could be like this everyday, being so happy and not a care or worry in the world.

But it's not. I have to take caution of everything. I have to worry about what will happen. I have to think about the consequences for every decision on life.

Carl placed a hand on my cheek so I could look up at him. He brushed the tears from my eye, and a fresh red spot of blood ran down his thumb and onto his palm. He smiled at me before kissing my forehead.

Carl vanished in midair, and I was left in the field alone. Walkers emerged from the woods, and Carl's voice ran through my mind, "stay strong, fight it through."

I grab my bow and shoot some down, but there was too many. I glanced at one familiar face in the crowd of walkers. Dad.

My heart sank as Ian walked beside him. My mother was behind him, bleeding to death and groaning as she stumbled towards me. I couldn't shoot my family, I just wasn't strong enough.

"Stay strong, fight it through."

But I couldn't, and it was too late. Ian grabbed my arm and bit into the old bite, making a fresh, new wound. More walkers surrounding me and bit into my flesh. I didn't scream, I didn't cry, I didn't even groan in pain. All I did was watch as the walkers bit into my flesh, eating my skin.

I snapped out of my dreams, my hand over my heart. I caught my breath before throwing the blankets off my body and walking downstairs. It was night, so the house was dark while everyone slept.

"Can't sleep?" Carl asked from his bed. I quickly glance over my shoulder at him. He had Rick's hat over his face while he laid back. He lifts the hat with one hand and stares at me through a half open eye.

"Nightmare." I replied. He threw the hat to the end of he bed. He motioned me to come sit on the bed next to him, so I did.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"Well, you were in it." I started.

"Ooh, did I look nice?" He winked at me and I started laughing .

"Whatever floats your boat there pal." I reply. That made him laugh even harder than me. "But yeah, you looked pretty nice. Older though."

"How old?"

"Like, fourteen years old."

"Wow, that's old." He laughed.

"Ancient." I rolled my eyes before explaining the rest of my story.

"That's pretty instense." He says. I nod my head in agreement, as he said, "And you didn't even feel it?" I shake my head. "So you sat there, watching a bunch of walkers ripping off your skin and eating you alive, and you felt not a single pain?"

"Notta." I reply.

"Wow...that's some weird dream." He runs a hand through his brown hair. I never realized how it was growing now that Lori had stopped cutting it. He noticed my staring and asked, "What?"

"Your hair has grown." I comment.

"Yeah, so? Hair does grow, you know that, right Steph?" He laughed. I gave him a warning look and he immediately stopped laughing. "Sorry."

"It's fine." I mumble, staring at the wallpaper.

He laid a hand on my leg-which made me flinch- as he said, "Well, let's try to get some sleep."

"I don't think I can sleep." I said. He sighed and held his arms up, gesturing for me to lay down next to him. I laid down and stared up at his blue eyes.

"Now sleep." He says. I roll on my side away from him and close my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep knowing Carl's right by my side.

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