Chapter 9

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April 3, 2023

..........At Jesus's Dad's House

       Jesus knocked on the door and someone opened it. Jesus "whats up dad." They hugged as India stood there and smiled. Dad "hey son, and this must be India." India "hi." She shook his hand and smiled at Jesus. Dad "I've heard a lot about you, all good I promise." India laughed. India "thanks."

.........At Tyrek's House

       Tyrek "you sure you alright?" Natalie walked out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and washing her face. Natalie "yea." Tyrek "I think you need to go to the hospital." Natalie looked at him and he pulled her onto his lap. Tyrek "you might be pregnant?" Natalie laughed. Natalie "stop playing." Tyrek "what if you are?" Natalie "I don't know." Tyrek "you know I got you, right?" Natalie "I know." Tyrek "we need to find out lil bit." Natalie "OK, I'll go tomorrow." Tyrek "if you are pregnant, you won't be alone."

............At Brandon's House

            Kiraa "I told my momma." Brandon "what she say?" Kiraa "she's happy, but she still doesn't like you." Brandon "I figured." Kiraa started laughing. Kiraa "hey, at least I like you." He kissed her as he buttoned his shirt up. Brandon "you ready?" Kiraa "yea." She grabbed her sweater and they left out the house.

April 5, 2023

...........At Jesus's House

       India was in the kitchen cooking gumbo and frying chicken while Jesus sat in the den on the couch. Jesus "I got a chef." India laughed. India "whatever." Someone knocked on the door and India went to get it. India "who is it?" ???? "Who are you?" India shook her head and looked out the peep hole. She shook her head and laughed as she opened the door. Shania "don't we know you." Leni "remember that day at the game, that girl that ran into us this her." India laughed sarcastically and rolled her eyes. India "what do y'all want?" Shania "my man." India laughed. Leni "I hope you dont expect to have him forever, he'll leave and he'll be ours after hr sees this."

      India "sees what." Leni handed her s brown paper bag. Shania "give him those for us." They went to get back in the car as India closed the door. She opened the bag and seen two pregnancy tests that both said positive. She gasped, she wanted to cry but she didn't. She put on some gloves and laid both test on top of the bag. She sat the bag on top of the counter and removed her gloves and took her chicken out the grease. She turned to the bag and pregnancy tests and picked them up. She walked into the den where Jesus was. Jesus "hey babe." India swallowed her spit and handed it to him. Jesus "what's this? Your pregnant, I'm so happy." He put the test down and hugged her tightly, but she didn't hug back.

        Jesus released her. Jesus "wait, you don't seem happy." India felt her eyes start to fill with tears as her nose burned. India "because their not mine." She quickly walked away so she could wipe her face and stop the tears. He found her in the bathroom looking in the mirror. Jesus "what you mean they not yours?" India "those two skeezers you were with the first time we met, just dropped those off." Jesus "ma, i'--" India "its okay." She kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the bathroom.

     Jesus "you don't honestly think these babies are mine do you, look how long they waited." India looked at him confused. India "its only been two months, they could've just found out." Jesus "damn it felt like longer." India "mhmmm." Jesus "they still might not be mine." India "I know, never trust a hoe." He sat on the bed and pulled her on his lap. Jesus "but babe, what if they are mine?" India "we'll figure it out, when the time comes." He pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her.

.........At Brandon's House

       Kiraa laid on the bed reading Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to her baby as she rubbed her stomach. Brandon walked in the room and laid next to her placing his hand on top of hers. Brandon "I can't wait to meet her." Kiraa "me too." She placed the book on the dresser next to the bed and laid her head on Brandon's chest as he rubbed her stomach.

3 hours later

..........At Tyrek's House

       Natalie "I'll be glad when this morning sickness is over." India laughed. India "I still can't believe your pregnant, I remember you used to tell me you weren't having kids." Natalie "right." She drunk some of her water. Kiraa "I like y'all." Natalie "I imagine so." India "I'm glad we met Kiraa." Kiraa smiled. Natalie "I can't believe were both pregnant." Kiraa "yes, its crazy. India looked around the house a little depressed. Natalie "bestfriend you alright?" India "yes, I'm so happy for y'all." Natalie "don't lie to me." Kiraa "tell us what's wrong." India "you remember when those two girls from that game." Natalie "when you and Jesus met?" India "yea." Natalie "yea, I remember." India took a breath. India "they're pregnant." Natalie's eyes widened.

      Kiraa gasped. Kiraa "I don't know, but I'm guessing they had sex wit Jesus." India shook her head yes. India "and now those might be his kids." India started to tear up. Natalie "bestfriend don't cry, they might not be his." India "I know." Kiraa "what you gone do if they are?" India "I'm gone be there, I'm not gone leave him, he makes me so happy and I haven't been this happy in a really long time." Natalie "I'm so glad your finally really happy." She smiled at them and all three of them hugged.

        Kiraa "well I have to go." Natalie "see you Kiraa." India locked the door and sat back on the couch with her bestfriend. Natalie "bestfriend, its gone be alright." India "yea, I know and even if it isn't I'm gone make it alright." Natalie "that's my girl." They high fived then leaned back on the couch laughing.

.........At Brandon's House

      Brandon "damn bro, so what she say?" Jesus "never trust a hoe, but they still could be mine and if they are she just said we'll figure it out when the time comes." Malik "she gone leave you bro." Tyrek "no she ain't, I know India she don't give up on nobody." Kiraa came through the door and smiled. She kissed Brandon and smacked Jesus in the head. Jesus "what the hell?" Brandon "what happened?" Jesus "yea, what she say?" Kiraa "she said you make her happy, the happiest she's been in a long time and if they are yours she gone be there regardless."

    Kiraa smiled and rested her hands on Jesus shoulders. Kiraa "you got a good one, don't fuck it up." She stood up and looked at everybody. Kiraa "now all of you get out." She grabbed Brandon by the collar of his shirt and took him to the bedroom. Tyrek "uh oh, get it bro." Kiraa "get the fuck out." All "yes ma'am." They all left out the house and Kiraa ran back to the front door to lock it, then back in their room where Brandon was.

April 12, 2023

..........At Vixticious Modeling Agency

      Danecia "so the date is June 26 at 7 pm." India "its going to be perfect." Keisha "and the outfits are to die for. What are you gonna wear as u introduce them?" India "something simple, but cute." Danecia "is your man coming?" India "maybe." Keisha looked at her confused. India "he knows about it but I didn't ask him to come, he can come if he wants."

...........At Tyrek's House

      Natalie bit her bottom lip as Tyrek bit at her breasts. She gripped the silk black sheets and through her head back as he thrusted in and out of her. She gasped at the chills running down her back. He came up and bit and sucked on her bottom lip before she flipped over. She rode him slowly as he moved with her thrusting in and out of her. She tilted back letting him all the way in as she moaned at the pleasure he was giving her. Natalie sped up, letting his dick slide in and out of her slippery pussy.

      He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. Tyrek "I'm bout to nut babe." Natalie "me too." She slowed down as she reached her climax. He grabbed her ass and moved it up and down as his friend started to release inside her and right after so did she. She collapsed onto the bed and threw the cover over her and Tyrek.


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