Chapter 2

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Oliver Queen and his sister Freya Queen have been through a lot together, as their aliases: The Green Arrow and The Huntress, but also as themselves. They may be heroes or vigilantes or what ever you want to call them, but they did have to keep up appearances, they couldn't be perfect or horrible, they had to be both. Which is why Freya is currently sitting in the police precinct getting questioned as to why she assaulted a businessman for seemingly no reason.

"And I told you, officer, he grabbed my ass, and I was just defending myself." Freya has been trying to convince these people for at least an hour already, and she was getting absolutely nowhere. "As I recall that's not a crime."

The officer huffed and rolled his eyes, as he opened his mouth to ask Freya another question he was called out of the room.

On his way out he glared and said "I'll be back for you later."

Freya sighed boredly "Whatever you say, jones."

( Meanwhile )
After leaving the room, Officer Jones went to his Captain's room wondering why he was called there. When he opened the door he saw two people standing with their backs to him.

"Ah, Jones please come in," said his Captain

"You called sir?"

"Yes, I did, these people are here for Miss Queen, there from the FBI"

"FBI" Jones asked, confused.

"Yes sir, I am Detective Hunter, and this is my partner Detective Lance" said Rip "we are here to take Miss Freya Queen into our custody."

"Jones, please show our guests to Miss Queens holding cell"

Jones nodded "Yes, Captain."


Sitting on the hard cell floor Freya thought about what Ollie or Clark would say. In the middle of her thoughts she heard the rustling of keys. She quickly stood up as the door opened. She saw three people, one women with one man, along with the Officer that was questioning her.

"Freya Queen?" The unknown man asked.

"Yeah, what's it to you?"

"We need you to come with us."

Freya scoffed, as she studied the man and women, the man was British as she could tell, he was wearing a light brown trench coat; while the blond women looked to be in her late 20's.

"Alright, lets go." Freya said walking forward. The man and women looked at her in confusion, she just smirked and walked up to them. "Coming?"

Waking out of there confusion they grabbed her arm and easily walked out of the precinct with her.

"So, who are you people really?" Freya asked "you obviously aren't any kind of law enforcement, and you two don't fit the type to work for the government."

"I am Rip Hunter, and this is Sarah Lance. And we need your help Huntress."

The Huntress ***Leonard Snart/ Captian Cold LS*** {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now