Chap 1

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~eight years later~


"Yoo-hoo, Y/N."


You woke up with a jolt, hearing Madaura on the speaker. You glanced at the clock and yawned, rubbing your tired eyes. You noticed you had fallen asleep on your desk after spending a night doing homework and not just yours. 

You shuffled through papers wondering what was the last thing you were doing, you got distracted by the neighbor's dog outside barking up a storm. You didn't have time to go back to the papers because Madaura called you again.

"It's breakfast time. So bring me my breakfast!"

You sighed and gave the speaker a foul look. Of course, how could you forget? You were almost a servant at this point, even if this woman did give your father some happiness you still wondered how he overlooked her horrid nature or if he even noticed it at all.


You groaned and got up from your chair getting ready for another day. You put on you semi-fashionable clothes. Sure, Madaura hated sparing money for you, but she wouldn't want to be caught dead knowing you were dressing like a slob with everyone knowing you were her step-daughter.


Madaura was laying on a lawn chair at the pool outside reading a book called "The Salmon Diet" to keep the "slimming" figure she self-proclaimed to have, as her daughters partook in a water aerobics class. They weren't good anyway so you wondered why she paid for them to just fling their arms around for an hour. She looked up every few minutes to see her girls' "talent".

"Careful, ladies." A man in an orange jumpsuit instructed them.

"Look for the eyes. One, two, three, bicycle. And legs." He waved his arms, motioning for the girls to follow. They did so, but miserably. The two furiously splashing around in the water, trying to keep up.

"Magpie, magpie, magpie, magpie." The instructor looked at the two girls with a foul look at their skills. Nonetheless, he decided to continue to get his money and get out.

"Flapping, flapping, flapping, and Mary Lou Retton."

"Palm tree and palm tree." They shifted their arms from side to side.

"Lady Liberty! Lady Liberty!" They stuck an arm out and put one on their hip, "Around the harbor! Around the harbor!" They began to move in circles.

"Circle Line Tour, and the hurricane!"

"Can you believed how extraordinarily gifted my girls are?" Asked Madaura.

The instructor hesitated on the answer, not wanting to upset a paying customer, especially when it came to Madaura, "absolutely unbelievable. Really." He gave an awkward laugh and continued their lesson.

"Ow!" One said. They had begun to hit each other. They always did things like that. It was almost like they lived to fight each other. Madaura overlooked the fighting and smiled at them, but it quickly dropped when you still weren't here with her salmon.


You came running through the gate of the pool, rolling your eyes, with a plate salmon, "coming!" You yelled. In the background, you can hear the instructor struggling to help the girls. You gave her the plate and she looked at it skeptically.

"Is this the Norwegian Salmon I asked for? 'Cause I need my Omega-3's." She said.

You gave a halfhearted smile, not really caring either way. "Only the best."

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