Chap 7

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He held his hand out for you to hold it, you settled for holding the ends of your dress. Sinbad put it down, a little deflated, "okay, first question: you do actually go to Valley High School, right?"

"Of course," you said, amused he would ask something like that.

"Well, I'm just checking," he said defensively as a small joke, "I mean, you never know with the internet." He shrugged.

You both smiled and at Sinbad's small joke. "Okay next question," Sinbad hesitated slightly, unsure of what you'd say, "were you disappointed when you found out that I was Nomad? Be honest."

You thought about it, "surprisingly, no."

Even though he was one of the popular people you loathed, the vibe he gave you now felt different. He didn't feel like the same egotistical man from before. 

"Did you vote for me for student body president?" He asked.

"Surprisingly, yes."

After all, it was surprising someone as popular as him would care about being president. His causes seemed to mean something and he seemed to care about the student's needs above his own.

He tapped his chin amused "really? Hmm."

Then he shot up, "okay, I got it. All right, if given a choice, would you rather have a rice cake or a Big Mac?" He asked, wondering if you'd answer like all the other stuck up girls.

You scrunched your brows together in thought. "A Big Mac," you answered and you then laughed at the silly question, "what does that matter?"

"Well, I like a girl with a hearty appetite," he defended, "and besides, you just eliminated about 50% if the girls in our class." He chuckled.

You laughed. You both stopped walking and Sinbad found his gaze locked into your eyes, "you'd think I'd remember those eyes. They're so beautiful," he said blissfully. You blushed and peered at the ground.

"Um... Next question," you said, slightly embarrassed, shifting from one foot to the other. Sinbad smirked.


"What's up doll?" Asked Markkio as he walked to Arba standing all alone. Once he saw Sinbad with you, he thought it would high time for him to get Arba for himself.

Arba scoffed, "what are you supposed to be?" She asked, looking him up and down.

"A Three Musketeer," he answered reffering to the story.

"You don't look like a candy bar," she said sardonically. She was thinking of the candy bar Musketeer and apparently hasn't heard of the legend. Luckily, Sharrkan wasn't there to set her straight on that, given how much he enjoy's it on account of the swordplay.

He blinked and then brushed it off, "right... Look, now that you and Sinbad are toast, okay, why don't we have our own little party?" He smirked, thinking she'd go along with it. Arba gave a face and not the good kind.

"Ew! Back off, Jamil!" She yelled. He didn't listen and advanced towards her. Arba grew fearful and was almost backed into a wall.

"Come on, Arba, I know you like me," he said cockily. Arba was pinned to the wall as he came closer.

"No! Stop it! No!" She said. He kept insisting and someone then cut in.

"Leave her alone!"


Yamraiha walked through the dance, dressed as a director from Magnostadt. She smiled as she saw everyone having fun. She walked up the stairs and noticed Arba being pinned by Markkio and not consensually.

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