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So we won the big game that day.

But what I remember most was that I won my prince and a really bad cold.

You looked around your attic with a feeling of slight nostalgia as this was the room where all your dreams came true and not to mention, another one that was coming soon.

You closed your last box shut and glanced around the room to see if you missed anything.

After that I was like everything fell into place.

You noticed your old fairy tale book was on the floor and went to pick it up. As you grabbed the spine of the book something fell out. It was a few papers, all folded.

Your brows scrunched and you grabbed them, reading them. As your eyes scanned the pages your eyes widened as you saw your dad signature at the bottom. It was his will.

My dad was right the fairy book did contain something important.


You smirked as Madaura's cars were being towed by the cops. This surely was going to be a day to remember. Especially when you told your "family" the big news.

"Hey, wait! I can pay for those parking tickets!" Madaura yelled as she ran across the yard, her girls behind her, with bills in her hands.

You gave her a fake look of sentiment, "actually... I'm selling your cars, Madaura. For college tuition money," you said smugly as you crossed your arms.

Madaura scoffed, "what makes you think you can do that?" She asked with disdain lacing her tone.

"She owns them," stated Rurumu as she glared at Madaura as she crossed her arms.

"Exactly. I own them."

"I'm Isaac, a country district attorney. Have you ever seem this before Mrs. L/N?" Asked Isaac as he unfolded the paper and showed to the clueless woman.

Madaura's eyes widened as her eyes scanned the paper that she hid all those years ago. She grew fearful as she realized she was doomed.

She played it off as nothing, "I've never seen that before in my life..." She said, not looking him in the eyes.

Isaac rose a brow and looked down at the paper, "isn't this your signature on the witness line?" He asked flipping a page over to showcase her perfectly written signature on the dotted line.

"I have never seen my husband's hidden will before."

Isaac folded the papers up in his hands, "I'm afraid you're going to have to come downtown with us," he said as he gestured to the cops to cuff her.

Madaura's eyes widened and she began to run all over the lawn as the cops chased her. She threw her purse and other things to get more leverage, which ended up being futile as they caught her.

That hidden will stated that the house, the diner, and everything belonged to me.


You stared at the two garbage cans that held both Kil and Fatima who were both looking for your real letter from Princeton.

Turns out my step sisters knew where Madaura hid my real acceptance letter.

As the girls came up to scoop out more trash, Kil came out victorious, "I got it!" She yelled, waving the letter in her hand.


My dad's diner was restored to it's former glory.

The sign that once read Madaura's now read Y/D/N's once more. The inside went back to the old homey appearance that all the customers loved, including the employees.

And my stepmother made a deal with the DA, she's working off her debt to society at Y/D/N's.

Madaura scowled as she scrubbed the floor wearing her yellow uniform. She was finally getting comeuppance after all those years of torture.

She sighed as she broke yet another nail from scrubbing the floors for so many hours.

Under the watchful eye of my new partner.

Rurumi walked up behind Madaura and crossed her arms to see how she was doing. Rurumu have her a smug look and went to tend to other necessities.

Madaura gripped one of the stools and stood up, trying not to sleep on account to the skates they forced her to wear.

And my stepsisters? They finally put their teamwork to good use.

Kil and Fatima walked throughout the diner, putting condiments and grabbing dirty plates. Their hair was a mess as well as their gray uniforms.

They all soon fell as they didn't notice they were walking into their mother. The girls fell down with a screech and Madaura fell down on account to the skates.


Two men carried in a sign stating 60% off for all Princeton alumni. On the bottom in cursive in read, we deserve the right to discriminate against Harvard and Yale.

"Looks great," he commented as his wife brought him a mug full of steaming coffee that showed the logo for Princeton.

Sinbad's dad came around and helped his son along with his dream.


Things even cleared up for Sharrkan.

Sharrkan grunted and blocked as his opponent lunged at him. He smirked as he saw an opening from his opponent.

He quickly poked his sword rapier, ending the match. The crowed cheered as Sharrkan took off his headgear.

He won the junior championships for fencing.

The person who was screaming the most was Yamraiha, especially when they placed the gold medal around his neck.

And in addition to that, he also won the girl.

Arba came up to him and placed a flirty hand on his shoulder as she saw how famous he was going to be once the video of the competitions were posted. Sharrkan swiped her hand and beckoned for Yam to come over.

Yam didn't need to be told twice as she immediately ran up to him and planted a kiss on his lips. He pulled away with a smirk and soon blushed as he saw his father and brothers smirking at him.

Yam saw and giggled, pressing yet another kiss to his lips and Sharrkan didn't complain.


The San Fernando valley was clear once more. The way it only is after a big rainstorm.

You giggled as you sat on the hood of your car while Sinbad got down on one knee and was about to put your phone in your shoe, the same way you had it on the day of the dance.

You reached down to grab it only for Sinbad to pull it away, teasing you by waving it above your head.

You reached up to grab only to get Sinbad's lips instead. You hummed in satisfaction as he rested his hands on your hips.

As he was distracted you reached your hand up and grabbed your phone. Sinbad looked at you with disbelief while you laughed. He smirked and then nibbled on your neck for laughing at him.

As for Sinbad and me? Well I finally got my cell phone back.

You smiled as Sinbad sat next to you in car talking about his ambitions and dreams.

We wound up going to Princeton together and lived happily ever after.

Well, at least for now.

Hey! I'm only in highschool!

The end.


Well, this is the last chapter. Not gonna lie writing all of this was actually kinda fun.  Anyway, hope you all check out the rest of my stories. 

Thank you all for reading~! 

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