Chap 8

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"What, do you have a curfew or something?" Asked Sinbad, slightly amused.

"Something like that. I'm sorry. But thank you. This has been the most amazing night." You sighed and picked up the ends of your dress running out of the gazebo.

Sinbad called out to you, "where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm late." You answered, still running.

"For what?"

You stopped, turned and took a deep breath, "reality." You ran inside where the dance was held to find Sharrkan. There was no way something like this could ever become real in the life you had. Although, it was fun while it lasted.


Pisti bobbed her head as the track she put on was playing. Ms. Esra then walked up and stopped it, a needle scratch was heard, stopping everyone from dancing.

Pisti looked at her in disbelief, "I was right in the middle of a power jam, Ms. Esra. You just totally harshed my mellow." She whined.

Esra waved it off, "you'll get over it and live." She grabbed the mic and called everyone's attention, "it is almost midnight, and that means it's time to announce who we have selected..."

Sinbad ran through the dance looking for his Cinderella until Markkio stopped him, wondering what was wrong, "what's up?" Asked Markkio.

Sinbad frantically looked around, "Markkio, have you seen the girl I was with?"

"No, I haven't seen her, but you missed it, I beat some kid's butt-- it was crazy." Even though it was a lie.

Sinbad disregarded that, not caring in the slightest. Meanwhile, Esra was still announcing who was going to win prince and princess. You were still looking for Sharrkan.

You looked disbelief as you saw him and Yamraiha making out, with tongue and everything you assumed. You cringed and blushed as you heard moans and groans coming from them.

You gestured for Sharrkan to stop and that it was late. "Sharr, Sharr! I'm gonna be late!" You whisper-yelled, "come on!" You tried grabbing his wrist, but he shook off your hold.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Your new North Valley High Homecoming prince and princess are...-" she opened an envelope- "Prince Charming and Cinderella!" Announced Esra.

Markkio, with a chuckle, shoved Sinbad towards the stage, "it's you!"

Sharrkan ripped his lips from Yamraiha as he finally gave in, "my dear, I-I must bid you adieu. I'm sorry."

Yamraiha, still in a daze, breathlessly asked, "a what?"

"Ad-- I gotta go." He ran off with you to make your way back to his car and straight for the diner, but not before giving Yamraiha one last kiss. She reached out to him and sighed, who could that be?

Esra cheered as her son made his way on stage to receive his award. Kil and Fatima shoved at each other to move out of the way.

"Ms. Cinderella is playing hard to get," she said as she saw you going up the stairs. You squinted your eyes as someone shined a bright light in your face. You continued going up the stairs and didn't notice your phone fell out of your heel.

Sinbad noticed you leaving and went to catch up to you, he shoved through the crowd, but to no avail. He noticed the phone that fell where you were and picked it up. He ran outside to find you, but you had already left. Clutching the phone in his hand, he vowed he would find you.


"I almost kissed Sinbad!" You said, realizing the events of tonight. This was going to make for an interesting story one day.

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