Chap 10

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While the girls were at school Madaura relished her time alone as she relaxed on the couch with the sound of sprinklers going on outside.

As she was laying on the couch she soon realized she had to go through the mail which had been piling up. She sighed and sat up to look through it.

As she did she repeated the same thing as she flipped through bills, "don't want that. Don't want that. Don't want... That..." She came across one letter in particular.

The stamp in front showed Princeton university she checked the address and sure enough, it was sent to the right address, it was also addressed to you which brought up more questions.

She looked behind her, making sure no one was around to see her open someone else's mail and then sliced it open with her sharp, newly manicured nails.

Madaura took out a letter which held your acceptance into Princeton university. She shook her head, "accepted? Oh, this won't do."

As she continued reading she didn't notice you had walked into the room. You looked at the mail in her hands and perked up, "hey. Anything in the mail for me?" You asked, interested.

"Oh, actually... There's a personalized letter here from Ed McMahon saying you just won a million dollars," she said, laughing at her lie.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. You then began to walk upstairs to your room which was the attic.

When you left Madaura stared at your acceptance letter, trying to figure out what to do to cover this up.


You bit your lip as you gazed at the message you had received from Sinbad in the chatroom.

Nomad609: I need to know who you are?

Nomad609: I can't take my eyes off you.

Nomad609: Please tell me who you are?

You stared at the messages with guilt crossing your features. You had been avoiding all of this for quite a bit, who knew that it would bite you back in the butt.

Your fingers ghosted over the keys as you fiddled with them, this was a tough decision. But you soon decided to do the right thing.

You mumbled the words as you typed them, "my.. Name... Is-"


You were interrupted by another one of your sister's annoying yelling. She probably wanted you to do her homework again.

You sighed and stopped typing, "I guessed you missed the "Do Not Disturb" sign."

Fatima crossed her arms and looked at her nails, "no, I saw it."

You rolled your eyes. "So, are you almost done with my report? It's due Friday."

You rubbed your eyes to get rid of the exhaustion. Madaura had you do the girls homework and if you didn't comply you'd have to say goodbye to your money for Princeton.

"I'm working on it."

"Well, hurry up. It makes me nervous to have to wait for it."

You held the urge to punch her in, "imagine how nervous you'd be if you actually had to write it."

Fatima thought about it and chuckled, "my God, you're right."

She then walked into your room and next to you, "so this time, could you make it sound more like me?" She asked as she sat on your bed, "I'm so sick of having to explain why I sound so smart on paper and so not smart... Not on paper."

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