Chap 2

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A/N: I hope you guys are liking it so far!


As you drove into the school's parking lot the morning an announcement began to play and an upbeat voice spoke, "Buenos Dias, fighting rukh's. Here's your daily reminder to conserve agua. Cut your showers short. Brownie points to Mr. Abraham who hasn't had one in weeks."

Meanwhile, people were steering clear of Mr. Abraham who was sitting alone on a bench. 

"And don't forget, today is your last chance to get tickets to the big Halloween homecoming Dance. Have fun! You know I've always thought school dances were-," rambled Yamraiha. Ms. Esra then cut in saying the national anthem before Yamraiha would begin to ramble again. 

You drove up to the parking, hearing the national anthem being recited softly in the background as you and Sharrkan scanned the parking lot looking for a spot. Sharrkan's eyes then locked onto a spot, "primo parking spot dead ahead." Sharrkan pointed to a spot in front of you. 

You smiled and turned the car towards it, "got it."

Before you could get it, another car filled with the popular girls cut you off. "Y/N, watch out. Watch out!" He warned before you would crash. You quickly hit the breaks causing you and Sharr to lean forward abruptly with the momentum. You growled, resting your head on the steering wheel. Could this get any worse? They then walked out of their nice car in their signature designer clothes. You rolled your eyes 'stuck up rich brats..'

It was Arba and her two friends, Falan and Gyokuen. They lived to make you suffer, next to Madaura. "You snooze, you lose," they said, laughing while pointing at you.

"Well, if it isn't Arba and her ladies-in-waiting. Think she wants me?" He nudged you, referring to Arba. It was obvious that he was joking, but you couldn't help but cringe.

You looked at him and laughed, "yeah, totally," you said, sarcastically.

"Think I should go for her?" He asked, continuing the joke.

You shoved him playfully "no way, you can do so much better than Arba," you said, thinking of him and Yam together.

"Oh, there's another spot." He pointed in front of you. You beamed, maybe things were turning up, and drove towards it.

"Got it."

And once again it was taken in a near death experience. "Oh for f-!" You groaned. Sharrkan covered your mouth before colorful words would slip out. Two jerks, Ithnan and Markkio, got out and laughed at you. You looked down at your car and began turning the key after feeling it break down. Just great...

You glanced up and saw, Sinbad, one of the hottest guys in school... You rolled your eyes, of course... 'I hate these damn popular kids...' You grumbled. 

"Sinbad!" Said Arba, walking up to him and hugging him. Sinbad patted her back awkwardly, they were dating, but Sinbad would never admit that he didn't actually like her. He didn't want to hurt her feelings... Well... The feelings she had left.

"I swear people like Arba and Sinbad are genetically programmed to find each other. How can so much ego be in one relationship?" You asked, putting your glasses on top of your head, you sometimes used them to read. And of course, they were held together with tape and had a few scratches given that Madaura didn't want you looking better than her daughters. 

You rested your elbow out of the car and put your cheek against your hand. "Imagine what they say about you," said Sharrkan in a somewhat serious tone, but trying to lighten the mood. You sighed, not wanting to think about it or their posse. "Thanks, Sharr," you said, sarcastically.

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