Chap 6

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Once one entered the Balbadd hotel, where the dance was being held, one is immediately met with people dancing in various costumes and loud music to get the blood pumping.

"Welcome, Fighting Rukh seniors, to the annual Halloween Homecoming Dance." Greeted Pisti, the DJ for tonight, "tonight our panel of esteemed teachers will use their years of higher education to choose our Homecoming Prince and Princess."

The teachers consisted of Esra, Mira Artemina, and David Abraham sitting on a table next to a stage. "In true L.A. fashion, it's not about who you are, it's about what you wear! Are you ready to crank it up? Yeah!" She raised the volume to the current song playing as everyone cheered.

"I cannot believe I put you in charge of costumes. I told you siamese cats, not siamese twins!" Kil scoffed, gesturing to the costume.

The twins had wanted to wanted to wear cat costumes based off Siamese cats to look like sexy twins, but Fatima had gotten a costume for two people in one and they definitely did not have the sexy vibe they wished for.

"Are we having a cat fight?" Asked Fatima, trying to make a joke. They both sighed and proceeded to go down the stairs. Apparently, with the wrong footing as one of them slipped and they both fell and knocked over Solomon and Sheba, the high school sweethearts, dressed as two magician's.

Sheba then began to sneeze up a storm when they reached the bottom of the stairs, she also accidently fell on top of Solomon, causing Solomon to sigh and Sheba to blush. Fatima groaned thinking of the fight that might ensue once they got up.


Sinbad walked up to his two friends who were currently dressed as two Musketeers, Sinbad was supposed the to be third. Although they lost his costume, so Sinbad decided to be prince charming. His two friends were clad in black wigs, big hats adorned with white feather, and fake mustaches.

They looked in shock as Sinbad wasn't wearing the costume they had all picked out together. "What up?" Greeted Sinbad as he walked up to them.

"Sorry about your costume getting lost, Sinbad," said Ithnan apologetically.

"It's all good, my friends." Sinbad looked around the dance, not keeping eye contact with his friends.

"No, it's not all good, bro. Now we don't get to be the Three Musketeers," added Jamil. He pointed at Sinbad, "you get to be prince charming-" he gestured to himself and Ithnan- "and we're the two wimps in wigs." 

Sinbad chuckled.

Arba than decided to make her grand entranced dressed as an angel along with Falan and Gyokuen also dressed as angels. They all wore matching crop tops and mini skirts. Let's just say, they really didn't care about showing off some skin.


You walked into the hotel, nervous and wearing Ja'far's shoulder cape on account that you didn't want anyone seeing your dress and nerves.

"Y/N, will you take off the cape already? You look amazing," persuaded Sharrkan. You both walked down the stairs. You felt like you were gonna trip on the heels with how nervous you were.

"I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out here." You tugged the cape closer to you, scared it would fall off.

"Well, listen, it's going be okay, all right?" Ja'far consoled you. Sharrkan dragged you down the stairs, "now hurry up. It's almost 11:00."

You grabbed Sharrkan's wrist, "Sharr, wait." He stopped and turned to you. "Remember, I have to be back in the diner be 12:00, okay?" You said, repeating for the millionth time that night.

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