Chap 9

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"Ohayōgozaimasu, fighting Rukh's! Here's your daily drought reminder: only flush for number two. Sinbad was crowned prince at the homecoming dance-" Yam, who always said the morning announcements, rolled her she said that- "ooh, big shocker there. Didn't see that one coming..." She soon grew interested, "but the real mystery, though, is who was his princess?"

You ignored the morning announcement and resisted the urge to laugh at Sharr bad luck, "how long you grounded for, for almost wrecking your dad's car?" You asked with slight amusement in your voice.

Sharrkan glared at you, "well, how long is forever?" He soon changed the subject, not wanting to be reminded of the car, "so you're not gonna tell Sinbad?" He asked.

"Come on, Sharr. Its not like he'll pine for me. Trust me, he's forgotten all about Cinderella by now."

As you walked up the steps of the school your eyes widened to see that Sinbad apparently hadn't forgotten at all. All around the halls, lockers, and bulletin boards were flyers saying who is she? Along with your silhouette and a question mark covering your face. On the bottom it said, contact Sinbad with phone number on rippable sheets of paper.

"Yeah, he's obviously forgotten about you," Sharrkan said wearily as he walked up to a flyer.

You turned to Sharr with a glare which soon turned into a look of disbelief as you stared at all the flyers.


Sinbad rolled his eyes at a flyer for 'football tryouts' and replaced it with something more important. The flyer about looking for you.

Markkio sighed, "why are going through all the trouble for one chick?" He asked. If it were him be would've given up the minute she ran off.

"Look, she's not some chick, all right? She was... Real," said Sinbad as Ithnan handed him another flyer to tape up.

"Real. Like, she still had her old nose," commented Ithnan, making a joke about all the girls that reconstruct their faces.

"No, real. A girl that has more on her mind than what she wears... Or how much weight she wants to lose. She listens to me, you know?" Sinbad said while smiling and looking down at the flyer.

"Listens to you? Hey, brother, I listen to you, okay? I feel your pain-" his was interrupted as he saw a girl walking down the halls- "ooh, hello, kitty."

The girl only playfully rolled her eyes and continued walking, acting as if she got calls like that all the time.

Sinbad rolled his eyes and grabbed Markkio's arm, "yeah, you're a great listener."


Ithnan cut him off, "you just gotta get some clue from her cellphone."

"Tried that. The phone's locked." Sinbad put up another flyer on a random locker, "I keep getting messages like, "I need you," and, "come see me now.""

Markkio soon grew interested, "oh, dude that's so hot."

"See, that's what I thought. Until I got one that said, "come fix the fryer."

This only caused Markkio to grow more excited, "oh, dude, that's hot and kinky baby!" He clasped a hand on Sinbad's shoulder, "you know what I'm saying? Can I get one? Let me get a pound baby." He held his fist up for Sinbad to pound it only to get a weird look from him. 


"He's looking everywhere for you. You gotta tell him that it was you," persisted Sharrkan as you were walking to your next class.

You hid your face behind your arm, "isn't it better just to cling to what might've been... Instead of ruining everything with reality?" You asked with a annoyed expression.

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