Chap 3

825 42 14

You sat at the bench under the flag pole and read the message on your phone.

Nomad609: Where have u been? We haven't talked in ages.

You smiled and replied, whispering the words you typed out loud.

PrincetonGirl818: We talked this morning.

Nomad609: I can't stop thinking about you.

Nomad609: What's on your mind right now?

PrincetonGirl818: you first.

Nomad609: well, I'm thinking Prof Abraham's dissected one 2 many frogs.

You giggled at the text and tried looking around for the mystery man. The only thing you saw was Prof Abraham sticking his tongue out like a frog, you giggled.

Nomad609: Ribet Ribet

PrincetonGirl818: LOL

Nomad609: oh, I want to hear your laugh. When can we finally meet?

You bit your lip and typed something just as the bell rang. Grabbing your bag, you put away the phone and walked to class.

Unbeknownst to you, your mystery man was sitting on the other side if the bench, staring at the message on his phone.

PrincetonGirl818: Soon!

Sinbad closed his phone and sighed.


Nomad609: How's your day so far?

You groaned, remembering today's events.

PrincetonGirl818: Yuch. Raging stepmom, work, and cool kids who can't get over themselves.

PrincetonGirl818: Ever feel like you don't belong?

Nomad609: Absolutely. I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone. Then I think of you.

You failed to hide the smile that made its way across your face.

PrincetonGirl818: Hey, Nomad, do you think we've ever met?

Nomad609: I don't know. Our school has over 3,500 kids.

PrincetonGirl818: Well, that narrows it down.

Sinbad chuckled and typed a message.

Nomad609: Well, at least I can eliminate all the guys. You're not a guy, right? 'Cause if you are I'll kick your butt.

You chuckled and replied.

PrincetonGirl818: I am not a guy. Have you told your dad about Princeton yet?

Nomad609: If only I could. I haven't even told him I wanted to be a writer.

PrincetonGirl818: My father always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

Nomad609: Not mine. He has a while another plan for my life.

PrincetonGirl818: Your father seems like a nice man. If sat down and talked to him, I'm sure he'd understand.

Nomad609: Honestly, I'm scared I might let him down... He's my hero...

PrincetonGirl818: Don't worry, I'm sure he'll let you pursue your dreams if you just talked to him. Anyway, it's 2:00 a.m. We've been at this for five hours.

Sinbad looked at the clock and smiled.

Nomad609: Well, I think we broke our record.

PrincetonGirl818: We should turn in. Sweet dreams.

Nomad: Wait, I can't sleep without knowing there's hope. "Half the night I waste in sighs. In a wakeful doze, I sorrow for the hand... The lips... The eyes - for the meeting of tomorrow."

PrincetonGirl818: Quoting Tennyson. Impressive.

Nomad609: Please meet me at the Homecoming Dance. I'll be waiting for you at 11:00 in the middle of the dance floor.

You stared at your screen processing what Nomad just said. You sighed.

"Sweet dreams," Sinbad mumbled as he stared at the screen.


You gripped your bat tightly, hitting baseballs to blow off steam. Right now you were wearing worn out jeans and a letterman jacket with a white tank top under. You were also wearing converse that looked to be at their wit's end.

"That was close." Sharrkan dodged the baseball coming at him, "Y/N this is great. You're finally going to meet him," said Sharrkan.

"I don't know; this guy is too good to be true," you said, blocking the sun from your eyes.

"Come on. It's been like a month since you met him at Princeton chat room, okay? You talked to him all the time-- you know him," he said, grabbing a baseball from the basket and putting it the machine.

"I know, but he doesn't know me. What if I meet him, and I'm not what he expects?" You asked, "maybe this whole relationship's just better for cyberspace."

You hit another baseball and not being focused you accidentally hit Sharrkan in the leg.

"Ow! Be careful!" He rubbed his ankle and jumped on one leg.

"Sorry..." You said sheepishly.

"Listen. You have to go that dance, okay? This Nomad guy is going isn't gonna be in one place for long, all right?" He said, "if it helps, I'll be your escort."

"Really? I thought you'd rather go with Yamraiha?" You teased.

"Yes really and I'm 5 seconds away from throwing a baseball at your head," he said, glaring at you.

You smiled at him, "you rock, Sharr."

He smiled with a boastful demeanor, "so, I've heard."

Then your phone began ringing. You reached into your pocket and picked it up.

"Hello?" You asked.

"Y/N? Some little brat got into my salmon and ate it all. I need more salmon." She yelled into the phone. You pulled it away from your ear as she listed more things.

"And pick my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag." She hung up.

You closed your phone, "Madaura," you said, looking to Sharrkan. You held up the bat again, "one more pitch."

"Why do you have to act like her slave?" Asked Sharrkan, putting in the baseball.

"Simple-- no Madaura, no money for Princeton," you said it as if it was obvious.

"That sucks."

"Tell me about it."

Sharrkan put in another ball and it shot at you. You pictured Madaura's annoying voice 'nya-nya, nya-nya, nya-nya...' You frowned and hit the ball with a crack.

You had a nice satisfaction imagining it was screaming like Madaura. "Hey, it's outta here!" Screamed Sharrkan.

It landed in between Ja'far and Sinbad. Sin looked up and saw Sharrkan cheering for you.

"Woah, nice hit!" Exclaimed Ja'far as he looked at you two.

"See, now that's impressive," said Sinbad, pointing to a cheering Sharrkan and an embarrassed you.

"So, what are you and Arba going to the dance as?" He asked, wondering what couples costume they would go in. 

Sinbad sighed, "I don't know if I'm going with Arba."

"You're not gonna go with Arba?" He asked, raising a brow, "that's a surprise.." He mumbled.


"Nothing. Anyway, who else are you gonna go with?" He asked, throwing the football towards him.

Sinbad shrugged, grabbed the baseball and threw it back, "I don't know. It's a mystery to me." He chuckled.

"Thank you!" You yelled at him.

"Your welcome!" Yelled Sinbad, catching the football.

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