Chapter 7 - Our Last Breaths...

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Chapter 7 - Our Last Breaths...

I woke to the bright morning sun blinding me. I look around me. Snow. It's snowing. James would love to see this. I look down to where James was lying on me. His body was pale and frostbitten. I touched his face with the back of my hand. Frozen.

"James. James baby" I started panicking, my heart beating fast.

"James. Please wake up. Don't leave me alone. Please... I need you."

He didn't wake up. He didn't even move a muscle. I was left alone. My son died. My son froze to death. He froze to death because of me. If I wasn't so careless in the first place then we wouldn't be in this mess right now!

I stood up from the handmade grave. Engraved in the mud read:

In Loving Memory of James Peters

Beloved Son

Will Forever Be In My Heart"

A tear slid from my eyes. I never thought I would lose him.

Never would I relate James to Jack. No one will ever need to know the truth.

I think I better leave before Jack follows the crying and finds me again.


3 days later...

I have walked miles away from James. I went in any direction I felt. I didn't have a destination. I didn't plan anything. If you don't plan ahead, then your life will not be full of disappointments. But then again, I didn't plan ahead yet my life is still full of disappointments. My life is still full of pain and loss.

I haven't had any more to eat than a couple of berries I found on a nearby shrub. At the time I didn't even know if they were poisonous or not but , thank God, they were only blackberries.

I am fading away from life, from the world. Every now and then I come in and out of conscience.

I have given up walking. I have settled up against a tree in the middle of nowhere. The nearest town must be miles away. I can't survive any longer. I can feel my eyes getting heavy. My heart beat is slowing down. Coldness covers my body. Never did I think that my life would end like this.

The last thing I do is wish. I wish I had my Mum and Dad. I wish I still had James. I wish I was still a normal teenager. None of these wishes would ever come true. The only one that will is my wish to die peacefully and remain untouched.

My vision is becoming blurry. My eyes are nearly closed when I see something. Something running towards me. It is saying somethings that I cannot hear. My vision and hearing are gone. I can feel a growing pain and discomfort in my stomach. I can feel a hand on my arm, shaking me. I welcomes death with open arms as darkness takes over.

I draw my last breath.........

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