The Essential Question/Synopsis

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What is love?    

Try to answer these questions in your head. Go on.   

Love. Like a fire, it warms the human soul.  But like a flame, it also destroys. 

We toil away to the demands of emotion and desire. Aphrodite binds our hands to her iron chariot, leading us head on into the fire. Above all, love is sacrifice. The ancient Greeks philosophized that our souls are part of a whole, split in two, waiting eternally for its other half. Guard your heart carefully, however, for in the wrong hands, the consequences become unfathomable...... 

The story you are about to read is, above all, a cautionary tale.   

Do not make the same mistakes she did.  

Stay off the fatal path.  


Abigail Wool, the fatherless daughter of a prostitute, was abandoned on the doorsteps of Wool's orphanage. A boy with dark eyes opened the door, and there, she found a home. All she would ever seek is his love. 

She wanted to melt his frozen heart with her fire. But didn't anyone ever tell her, frostbite hurts?

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