Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Niall's POV

It's interview time.

Stacy is so nervous and I can tell because she is fidgeting with her dress a lot. I try calming her down with kisses but the makeup artist kept yelling at me.

Soon enough we were told to go onstage.

Let the questionnaire begin.

Jimmy: So here we have Niall Horan and girlfriend Stacy. Nice to meet you two.

Me: It's nice to meet you too Jimmy.

Jimmy: And Miss Stacy it's a pleasure having you here as well.

Stacy: Its an honor to be here sir.

Jimmy: Please. Call me Jimmy. Well you two certainly made a great appearance at The Grammys the other day.

Niall: Yeah it was great. We both had fun.

Jimmy: We heard you two made an appearance in the after party right?

Niall: Of course. I wanted to show Stacy something you only experience once.

Jimmy: Well. Tell me about yourself Stacy.


Stacy's POV

Me: Well my names Stacy Lovett. I'm 18, almost 19. I'm Mexican American and I live with my 3 best friends.

Jimmy: Nice. So the other day we saw Niall and yourself walking out of the Modest building. Everyone made a big deal of it right?

Me: I honestly don't get why. I just accompanied Niall to a meeting with his management that's all.

Jimmy: Rumors say you're getting paid by Modest?

Me: I assure you that they aren't true. They just wanted to meet me and make sure I'm not a bad influence for Niall.

Niall: You're not.

Audience: Awwww!!!!

Jimmy: How sweet. So Niall we have a couple of questions from fans in the audience. First question:

"How long will you be staying in America?"

Niall: As long as we're allowed. I don't want to spend a day without Stacy.

Audience: Awww!!!!

Jimmy: Ok next.

"How did you and Stacy meet?"

I think we all want to know right?

Niall: You wanna take this one Stace?

Me: Sure. Well, we met at a Karaoke Bar. I was celebrating a friends birthday and Niall was there with the boys. Niall bought me a drink and we hit it off from there. And now we're here.

Jimmy: Wow. And how did you pick Stacy out from all the girls out there Niall?

Niall: Her giggle. That's the first thing I heard before I even saw her. It was a cute sound so I looked and saw this beauty.

Me: Stop it.

Niall: Oh come on. You're gorgeous.

Jimmy: I agree.

The audience cheers and Niall makes me turn for the crowd. I do and they whistle. I sit back down and blush.

Jimmy: I can tell you two are real. There's so much chemistry between you and I can even feel it haha. Any future plans you'll make with Stacy?

Niall: I'll definitely have her meet my family. I know they'll love her.

Me: I sure hope so.

The audience laughs and so does Jimmy.

Jimmy: Ok. Last question and it's for Stacy.

"What do you plan on doing as a career?"

Me: Well, right now I'm a barista at Starbucks and I'm a part time student at my local college for cosmetology.

Jimmy: So like hair and stuff?

Me: Yeah.

Niall: I still think you should give music a shot.

Me: Shh.

Jimmy: What are you talking about?

Niall: What she didn't tell you is that at the Karaoke Bar she sang almost every song. And it was One Direction night. She's a great singer. I've been telling her to give music a shot but she keeps putting it off.

Me: I said I'd think about it.

Niall: Like 3 weeks ago.

Me: I'm still undecided.

Jimmy: Why not give it a shot?

Me: I don't want everyone to think that I'm using Niall for his fame. If I pursue a career in music I want to start from the bottom like everyone else. No shortcuts.

Jimmy: You'll have an advantage either way now with his help or not. You're known worldwide after the Grammys aired.

Me: Darn it.

Jimmy: You should give it a try.

Anyways that's all the time we have. Tune in next week! We'll have Justin Bieber as our special guest and he'll be performing one of the songs from his new album Journals! Goodnight!


Jimmy: You did great Stacy! It was nice meeting you.

Me: Pleasures all mine.

Niall: Come babe. Let's go home.

Me: Mine or yours?

Niall: Mine.

We head out of the building into a mob of paps. We make it through and head to Niall's hotel.

Meanwhile I text Alyssa.

Me: Hey. I'm sleeping over at Niall's today. Be home tomorrow.

Alyssa: Ok. Be safe!

Me: Will do! Love ya!

Alyssa: Love ya!

We get to Niall's room and after I change into the spare clothes I left here I fall asleep on his bed.


New chapters coming soon!

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