My Brother's Best Friend (a Logan Henderson Love Story)

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"Lacey, it's time to go!" My brother, James yelled from downstairs. Yes, I know what you are thinking, THE James Maslow is my big brother. Well, let me tell you one thing about him being my brother, IT SUCKS.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, nearly breaking my legs in the process.

"What took you so long?" James asked.

"I had to finish up homework," I replied, getting annoyed that he was getting all up in my business.

He threw his hands up in mock surrender. "Ok, ok. No need to get all worked up," I stuck my tongue out at him and stomped out the door. Since he was famous and what not, we have to go to all these stupid parties.

We got there right on time. I hopped out of the car and was instantly blinded by the flashing lights of the cameras the paparazzi were holding. I could hear Big Time Rush's music playing in the background. I looked around to see who else was invited. I couldn't see anyone I knew. Just different producers and a lot of James' bosses. James ran off to his bandmates and left me all alone with no one to talk to. I guess I could go and talk to his bandmates also, but I didn't want to ruin their night so I went to go find my mom who was talking to some random person. I sighed and slowly made my way to my mother. I knew this was going to be a LONG party.


"HOME!" I excliamed. I was right, it was a very long party. Filled with lots of handshakes and fake smiles.

"Oh, quit your whining. It wasn't that bad," said James, who looked just as tired as I felt. I turned around and said to him with a smirk on my face, "Oh really? Says the guy who has bags under his eyes and looks like he hasn't slept for days." He looked at me sternly for a moment and rolled his eyes and slowly made his way up to his room. I knew I had just won that arguement, he knows that also, he just doesn't want to admit it.

I walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch. My mom sat down beside me and turned on the television. After a while I could barely keep my eyes open so I told her goodnight and went up to my room for the night and crashed.


School. I hate school. My alarm woke me up at my regular time, which was 6:30 am. I quickly took a shower and got ready. Since I have a famous sibling I get treated like royalty at my school. Not that I'm complaining, but it gets really annoying really fast. I can hardly stand anyone at my school! They only want to be my friend so that they can meet James. That's why at school I'm always the mean one. Or the one who doesn't have any friends. It's hard to make friends for me. I'm not social and I certainly don't trust anyone anymore!

James drove me to school like normal. I'm almost 15, so I'll be getting my learners permit soon and I'm SO excited that James doesn't have to take me anymore! He dropped me off with a quick goodbye and drove off. I turned towards the front doors and thought, "Well, here goes nothing."


The final bell rang, signaling school was done. I waited until I saw that familiar black Dodge Challenger pull up in the carpool lane. I hopped inside and buckled up.

"So how was school today?" Asked James.

"Eh, same old, same old." I replied, making James chuckle.

"So, I have to stop by Logan's house and pick up something for the album, so we're going to stop by there before we go home," James said very cautiously, as if he was afraid I was going to rip his head off if he made any sudden movement. I looked at him and groaned and finally said, "Fine,"


We had finally gotten to Logan's house. It was a really nice 2-story that had a HUGE frontyard and driveway.

James turned off the car and got out. I stayed back until I finally had to get out. I'll admit, I have a tiny crush on Logan. I think he's the best looking out of the group, but we barely even talk and it's a small crush, so it's not like anything is going to happen. James knocked on the door and it opened instantly with Logan on the other side flashing his beautiful smile.

"Hey guys, come on in!" He excliamed. We walked in and James and Logan went to go take care of their band stuff. I looked around the house. I had never actually been inside of it before. I was just glancing at stuff when a picture caught my eye. I walked over and picked it up. It was a picture of him and his family when he was little. It was one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen. I heard someone clear their throat and I quickly put the picture down and spun around to see who it was. I sighed in relief when I saw James instead of Logan.

"It's time to go, Lacey," I nodded and hurried out the door before Logan got the chance to say goodbye. When we got home, I ran up to my room and locked the door and got out all of my homework. After what seemed like hours of doing endless homework, someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it!" I asked loudly. I got an equally loud response.

"It's James! Open up please!" I giggled at how loud he was being and opened up my door.

"What's up?" I questioned.

"Dinner's ready. Mom's been calling you for at least 15 minutes,"

"Oh," I responded. "I guess I couldn't hear her over my music."

We sat down and ate. It was AMAZING! My mom can cook the best pasta ever! After I had finished with my food I cleaned my dishes and put them into the dishwasher. I was about to go back upstairs and all of the sudden I hear and loud bang and then plates shatter on the kitchen floor. I ran back to see what had happened. I went inside the kitchen and what I saw was horrifying. I saw my mom on the floor covered in blood, her body was shaking violently and her eyes rolled back inside her head. I screamed and grabbed my phone and called the police.

"911. What's your emergency?" The lady asked.

"My mom is having a seizure! Please help!" I say.

"Ok. Where are you located at the moment?" She asked, perfectly calm.

"1359 Mockingbird Lane," I answer, barely even able to talk anymore.

"Ok. Help is on the way. Please try to stay calm." She replied. I stared at my phone in disbelief. Did she really just ask me to stay calm? How in the world am I supposed to stay calm when my mother could be dying right in front of me?!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the faint sounds of police sirens in the distance. They showed up and put my mom on a stretcher and put her in an ambulance and rushed her to the ER. The paramedics asked me if I was hurt. I didn't have the strength to answer their questions. I fell to my knees and started to cry. I felt a big, warm hand touch my back. I looked up and saw my big brother looking down at me with worry and concern written all over his face.

"Lacey, what the heck happened here? Where's mom?" He asked, clearly not knowing what has happened the past 30 minutes.

"She had a seizure. James, I don't think she's going to make it." I reply. Now, he just has a blank face, still trying to comprehend what I had just said. He didn't say anything for a while, it started to scare me.

"James? Please say something," I pleaded. He was really starting to scare me. He didn't say anything, he just grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his car. We got in and started driving to the hospital, where our mother could be dying.

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