The Deal

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    As I slowly gained consciousness, I immediately felt a pounding in my head and a burning sensation came over my stomach in one big blow that almost made me unconscious again. I groaned in pain and tried to gain my surroundings. The room was so dark I couldn't see anything.

    "Well, look who decided to wake up!" a mysterious deep voice boomed from one of the dark corners in the room. I snapped my head in the direction it was coming from, but since the room was pitch black, I wasn't completely sure if that was the right direction.

    "Sweetheart, you're looking in the wrong corner." My heartbeat started to pick up speed and the pain in my head worsened.

    "Why don't you come out and face me instead of being a coward and hiding in a dark corner where I can't see you." I taunted.

    "Well, where's the fun in that?" He questioned.

    "Oh, so you like to play games?" I asked terrified.

    "Who doesn't like to play games?" He laughed wickedly. My blood ran cold when I heard him start to approach me.

    "So, here's the deal, I won't lay a finger on you as long as you cooperate with me. If you don't, I will kill every single loved one of yours until you have no one to run to. Understand?"

    "That depends on what I have to do." I snapped back at him.

    "Oh, feisty are we?" He retorted. "I don't think you'll be talking to me like that when I kill that boyfriend of yours." My heart stopped. He was talking about Logan.

    "Don't you lay a finger on him." I growled.

    "Oh, don't worry! As long as you cooperate, nothing is going to happen to him!" I could feel his breath hitting my neck and I shuttered. "Or your brother." Once again, my blood ran cold and I sat there in silence, waiting for the next thing he was going to say. Only, he never did say anything. All I could hear was the water dripping from leaky pipes.

    I thought he had left, when a huge burst of pain hit my stomach.

    "That was for the comment earlier I didn't like." Something was coming out of whatever he did to my stomach. It kept coming out, it bled all the way through my shirt, and was still pouring out. The pain was so intense, I started to feel lightheaded. Blood. That's what it was. He had cut my stomach.

    "Oh! I forgot to mention this! For every time you talk, I get to do some sort of severe punishment to you. So I suggest, if if you want to live and not bleed to death, that you shut your mouth and do what what I say. Ok?" I nodded my head weakly and drifted into unconsciousness.


    After my little grieving session, I stalked back into the main part of the bus. I don't even step 2 feet in the room when Logan looks up and says,

    "Hey, James! We called the police and filed a missing person report for Lacey." I gave him and biggest smile I could, which wasn't very big, and plopped on the couch. Logan sighed and sat down beside me.

    "Look, James," He started. I put my hand up to stop him.

    "Please, Logan. I don't need that whole 'We are going to find Lacey' crap, ok? I know we are going to find her, but please, don't remind me that she's missing." He looked down at the floor and silently nodded his head. I sighed and went onto Twitter and put,

@jamesmaslow: Hey everybody. Lacey disappeared last night and and we can't find her. Please, everybody, look for her! BIG reward to whoever finds her. XO- JM

    I swear, not even a minute after I sent the tweet, tons of Rushers everywhere responded to it. I smiled and and looked up at the guys to find they were working their butts off to find Lacey. The guys love her like she's their little sister also.

    "I just sent out a tweet announcing that Lacey is missing and to look for her." The guys all nodded in response, to caught up up in whatever they were doing to give me their full attention. I started making phone calls to friends of her's and our family. This is going to be the longest search ever.

A/N: Hey guys! Here's another chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was on Spring Break. I can't believe this fanfic has over 150 reads! You guys are AWESOME! I love getting all of y'all's comments! Remember to vote, comment and follow! Love you all!      - C

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