Biggest Mistake Ever

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        "What happened?"

Logan looked quickly around the tiny room, and his breathing became quickened. I put my hand gently on his cheek, and he immediately calmed down.

"Lacey?" he whispered.

"I'm here, Logan, don't worry." His eyes landed on James and a frown slowly appeared on his face.

"Lacey," he gave my hand a slight squeeze, "what am I doing in a hospital bed?" I gave James a look to get him to explain to Logan what he had done to him, but James just gave me a quick shake of his head, and walked out of the room.

"Where's he going?" Logan questioned, worried.

"He just went to go get a drink of water, or something." He gave me a look that told me that he didn't believe me. I sighed, giving in.

"Okay, fine. He left so he didn't have to explain why you're here."

"Oh okay." He looked hurt, because his best friend walked out of the room, not wanting to help him understand the situation he was in. I smiled and asked him a question I already knew the answer to,

"You want to know what happened, don't you?" He smiled slightly, and nodded.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I start to explain to Logan everything that had happened last night, everything from the end of the disastrous date, to the fight between him and James at the bar. Once I had finished retelling everything, Logan remained silent.The silence gave the room an eerie feeling to it. All I wanted to do was get out now.

"Looks like the tables have turned." I was referring to the previous accident, causing me to be where he is. I could clearly tell that my attempt at humor did not succeed. Logan hadn't even cracked a smile.

"Logan? Logan, are you okay?" He moved his glance to me, and his eyes started to tear up. I could feel my heart breaking inside of my chest. Before I could ask him again if he was okay, he mumbled something I could barely make out.

"I'm so sorry, Lace. What kind of monster am I?"

"Logan, you aren't a monster."

"I left you in the middle of nowhere! Nowhere! How could you say I'm not a monster after what happened?" A few tears had managed to escape his tortured eyes. I sat by him, and wiped them away quickly.

"Logan, look at me," I raised his head to where we made eye contact. "I forgave you a long time ago. Logan, I could never actually get mad at you. Logan, I love you." I whispered that last part, immediately regretting saying that last part. Logan had a shocked expression on his face when looked up at him.

"What?" he whispered.

"He doesn't feel the same way." I thought. I could feel my eyes water up, and I ran out of the room. As I'm walking towards the bathroom, I could here Logan calling out my name from his room, where he was confined.

 "Why did I do that? How could I be so stupid?"  My mind was spinning and I felt like dying. I didn't want to see Logan, for I now fear that he doesn't feel the same way.

"Lacey?" The door to the bathroom was being knocked on, and I could hear James' muffled pleads to let him in. I will never come out of this bathroom, especially not after what I had just done.


No matter how much I had begged Lacey to come out, she wouldn't budge. Gosh, sometimes she is just so stubborn. I marched to Logan's room, ready to interrogate him. But, when I got in there, Logan had the biggest smile on his face.

What did Lacey tell him?

"Logan? Logan, what did Lacey do?" He looked up at me with his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"She told me she loved me." he whispered. Oh. That's not what I was expecting. But, now it all made sense now. Aw, Lacey is embarrassed about saying that she loves him. I walk back down towards the restroom, and knock again.

"Lacey, it's okay to come out. I'm 99.9% sure Logan feels the same way..." I stood another couple of minutes, before I tried opening the door. I was surprised to find that it was unlocked. Confused, I walked in and looked for Lacey. I was about to walk out, when a nurse walked in and cleared her throat, catching my attention.

"Um, sir, this is a ladies restroom." she stated, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. I stood up a little straighter, and walked out quickly, apologizing before I left.

Where was Lacey? I could've sworn she was in that restroom. Where did she go?

I walked back to Logan's room and asked him if he knew where Lacey went.

"Um, after she told me she loved me," a small smile appeared on his face, " she bolted out of the room, before I could say anything else." Panic started to take over. I ran over to the front desk, and asked the head nurse if she had seen Lacey.

"I'm sorry, sir. I haven't seen anybody over here for a while." She must've come through the front doors though.

"Please, have you seen her at all? I really need to find her." I've lost her once, and I'm not going to lose her again.

"Sir, I promise, I haven't seen anyone pass by." I pull out my phone, and dial Lacey's number. It goes straight to voice mail. I go out the front doors and search around the whole hospital, not finding a trace.

Where the heck did Lacey go?

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in a while, school has been keeping me busy, but since it's winter break, hopefully I'll update quicker! But, for the next update, let's get 4.5K reads before I update? Make sure you check out my other stories! If you have any ideas for a new story you would like me to do, leave it in the comments and I'll see if I can do that! Hope all of you had happy and safe holidays! Remember to vote, comment, and follow! Love you all!       -C

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