Pancake Incident

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes being made. I thought James had gone downstairs to make them but I turned around to face a snoring brother. "Ok?" I thought to myself. "If James is still here, who the heck is making pancakes downstairs?" I wanted to go see who it was, but for all I know it could be some creepy stalker murderer person, waiting for their next victim to come downstairs. I laid on the bed for a while but curiousity got the best of me. I made sure I got a bat before I went downstairs. I slowly turned the corner and saw someone standing in front of the stove flipping pancakes happily while humming a slighly familiar tune. I walked even further into the kitchen to get a better look at the person and then it hit me, it was Logan who was making the pancakes! I sighed in relief and put the bat down and said, "Morning, Logan."


I thought that since James and Lacey just lost their mom I would go over to their house and make them some of my 'famous' pancakes. I pulled up to their driveway and walked up to the front door. I knocked and rang the doorbell. They didn't answer so I figured they were still asleep. I lifted the doormat and picked up their spare key and opened the door.

I looked through their pantry and found some pancake mix. I also found some chocolate chips, so now I can make chocolate chip pancakes! I poured some of the pancake batter onto the pan and started making pancakes. I started humming one of BTR's songs when I started getting bored. I was almost done when I hear a sleepy voice that belongs to Lacey say, "Morning, Logan." I spun around to see Lacey who looks like she just rolled out of bed.

"Good morning, Miss Lacey." I replied cheerfully.

"How the heck did you get inside our house?" She asked.

I held up the spare key and said, "Spare key," She just nodded her head and sat down. I picked up the plate of chocolate pancakes and set in front of her. Her eyes lit up when she saw the pancakes and she muttered a small thank you and started devouring the pancakes. I chuckled at how fast she ate them. When she heard me laugh she looked up and said, "What?" Still laughing, I answered, "Nothing. It's just you might want to save some for you brother." She looked down at the plate and a light blush formed on her cheeks. She pushed the plate away from her and she got up from the table.


When Logan started laughing at me I looked at him with a glare and said, "What?" He was still laughing at me when he said, "Nothing. It's just you might want to save some for your brother." I looked down at the half emptied plate of pancakes and pushed it away from me. I felt a blush form on my cheeks. Gosh, this is so embarrassing! I just started stuffing my face like a pig right in front of him. I got up from the table so I could get away from this very awkward moment.

"Hey, where are you going?" Logan asked. I tried to make up an excuse and I said, "I'm going to go wake James up. I know he'll want to some pancakes," Logan nodded and watched me as I vanished upstairs. I walked into James' room where he was still snoring away and shook him until he groaned and said, "WHAT!?"

I laughed and said, "Logan made some chocolate chip pancakes downstairs. I thought you might want some, so I came up here to wake you up." He groaned again and got out of bed. He stopped right before he left and turned around and asked me, "How did Logan get in?" I laughed and replied, "He found the spare key and used it," He nodded and left to go eat some of those pancakes.


I watched as Lacey ran upstairs. I couldn't help but feel bad that I embarrassed her. I heard some muffled voices and heard James slowly make his way downstairs. He came into the kitchen and started eating the remainder of the pancakes. After he finished, he asked me if Lacey had eaten yet and I had just replied with a simple yes, not wanting to embarrass her any more then she already was.

Me and James were making small talk about the band and stuff when Lacey finally came back downstairs. She sat across the living room, as far away as she could, and turned on the television. She hadn't even looked at me since the pancake incident. James looked at her weirdly and said, "What's up with you, Lacey?" She turned to answer James and she replied with no emotion at all, "Nothing, I'm completely fine," Me and James knew something was up. Only, James didn't know the reason, but I did. We sat in an awkward silence and said, "Well, I think it's time for me to go," Before James or Lacey could reject, I got up and walked out of the door.


After I had finished my pancakes, I sat down on the couch and made small talk with Logan. I hadn't seen Lacey since she woke me up and Logan didn't seem really into the conversation. Something must've happened between them. They're both acting strange. I decided to worry about that later and focus on the 'conversation' I was having with Logan. I had almost given up talking to Logan when Lacey finally decided to come join Logan and I. I watched Lacey as she sat as far away as she possibly could from us and turned on the television. Ok, now I know something is totally going on here. I looked at her and I asked her, "What's up with you, Lacey?" She turned towards me and said, "Nothing, I'm completely fine," I knew that was my cue to shut up or I'll regret it. So we sat there in an awkward silence. All of the sudden Logan shot up and said very quickly, "Well, I think it's time for me to go," and he walked out the door. Logan has just showed me with his actions that something is going on between them, and I am determined to find out what exactly that is.

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