Facing The Past

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I had to get out of here. Being locked in a bathroom didn't help the sickening feeling I had deep in my stomach. My heart started to race, and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I tried to calm myself down, but it seemed like I couldn't breathe anymore. I've never had a panic attack, and it's everything people say it's like. I soon unlock the door and race to the back entrance of the hospital. I knew that if I were to go through the front, by the nurses station, James would go by there and ask if they've seen me.

Once I'm outside, I look at my surroundings. There's not much here, but I do see a convenience store across the street. I race over, and barrel through the doors, earning a terrified and concerned look from the cashier. Taking deep breaths, I go through the isles, looking for nothing in particular. As I reach the candy isle, I stop when I see my favorite, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. My stomach growls involuntarily and I pick up a few.

"Those are still your favorite, aren't they?" I jump when I hear the voice, and nearly drop all of my candy. I spin to face a very familiar, unexpected face.

"Scott?" He flashes me a big smile, and approaches me.

"Hey, Lacey. It's been a while hasn't it?" I try to speak, but none seem to want to come out as audible words. He laughs as he sees me struggle to speak, and he does something I never expected him to do. He hugged me. Suddenly, all of the memories of our relationship come crashing into me, and it almost overwhelms me. I remember being in his arms, and I thought nothing bad could ever happen to me when I was in them.

"So what brings you to this fine convenience store?" He jokes, and I crack a smile.

"Just needed some air and space." I simply reply. He nods, and walks past me, and I follow him.

"So, what are you doing here, Scott?" I ask in confusion. I haven't seen him since we broke up, and now he decides to magically show up and try to have a normal conversation with me.

"Well, about a few weeks ago, I moved back here because of work. I got promoted, and they moved me back to L.A."

"Oh." Is all I say to him. I suddenly don't want to be here anymore, and I walk up to the cashier and he scans my candy. I pay him, and leave quickly. Scott follows me, and he continues the conversation.

"It odd that I ran into you today. I was just thinking about you earlier."

"You were?" I ask cautiously.

"Yeah," he says. "I never really gave much thought to our relationship after we split ways, but I don't know, I just started thinking about all the things I missed about us. Like our movie marathon dates, those were the best. Or, the late night conversations we used to have, I really miss those, you know?" I nod in agreement. When we were dating, we used to have these awesome movie marathons, and everything between us was a competition, so we would always keep score of who could stay up the latest. Not to toot my own horn, but I always won. I never thought I could love someone as much as Scott, but I was young. I didn't really know what love was back then. Now that I look back, It completely astonishes me that I never saw how wrong the relationship was. But, that was the last, and I never thought I would ever see him again, but yet, here we are, I'm facing my past, and right now, it's not all that bad.

We continue walking for a while, catching up with each other. He apparently lives a few miles away from me and James, and his parents have been traveling the world with his sister. It was nice to talk with him, to say the least. He's just as nice as he was when we first met. I have to keep reminding myself of all the damage he did to me. How he broke my heart.

Everything was going great, until he asked me,

"Look, I know this is kinda sudden, but would you mind going out to see a movie with me tonight?" My heart speeds up again, and I start to panic. I wouldn't mind seeing a movie with him, but at the same time, my heart belongs to Logan. I think for a moment and say,

"Look, Scott, I'm actually very happy that I ran into you today. I miss spending time with you too. But, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet...." He nods, and stays silent for a minute, making me nervous.

"Okay," he says, and smiles. "I understand, I forced that on you, and I apologize for that. But, can I at least get you number? I lost it when I switched phones this summer." I give him a sweet smile, and I grab his phone, typing my number into my newly created contact. When I give it back to him, he gives me a big and goofy grin that makes me laugh.

"You have no idea how much I miss that laugh." He whispers.

"I'll see you around, Scott." He takes a step towards me, and places a faint kiss on my cheek. I feel my cheeks start to heat up and I look down at my shoes. We say goodbye to each other and walk our separate ways. I find my way back to the hospital, and look for Logan's room. I stop in front of it and take a few deep breaths. I slowly open the door and see that Logan is asleep, and James is focused on his phone in the chair by his bed.

Once he senses my presence, James stands and walks quickly towards me. Before I can say anything, he engulfs me in a giant hug.

"I thought I lost you." He whispers into my hair, his voice cracking at the end. I pull him back, and see that there are tears in his eyes. My heart drops at the sight.

"I'm sorry I scared you, I just needed some air, you know? It's pretty cramped in this hospital."

"Where did you go? I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I just went to the convenience store across the street."

"But why?" He asks. The pain clear in his voice. I look over at Logan, who was still fast asleep.

"I'd rather not say." I reply. James nods and sits back down. I apologize again for scaring, and he forgives me.

"How's he doing?" I ask, motioning towards Logan.

"Um, doctor's saying he's recovering actually quite quickly." I smile, he's going to be okay.

A few hours pass, and James leaves to go get dinner for us. As soon as James is gone, Logan's eyes flutter open. He gives me a sleepy smile and says,

"Good morning, beautiful." I giggle, and tell him that it's almost dinner time. His eyes widen in concern.

"I've really been asleep for that long?" He asks. I nod and grab his hand. I immediately feel at home with him. Nothing like I've ever felt with Scott.

"Did you mean it?" Logan asks quietly. I scrunch my face in confusion.

"Mean what?"

"That you love me?"

"Of course!" I exclaim.

"Why? How could you love me after what I did to you?"

"Well, Logan, love isn't something that goes away after one incident. It stays with you for the rest of your life. I may be confused about a lot of things, but I do know Logan Henderson, that I am completely in love with you, and I will be for the rest of my life. You're the first and last thing I think about when I wake and go to sleep. You drive me insane sometimes, but I never have stopped loving you." I'm just as surprised as he is with what I said. I don't know how I managed to say all of that without stuttering.

"I don't know how you feel about me, but I sure hope that I didn't just make a complete fool of myself." He smiles and pull me towards him. I crawl into the small hospital bed and we lay there in silence for a while.

"Lacey, I think you know exactly how I feel about you." Logan says, breaking the silence.

"Then why did you leave me on our date?" He sighs.

"I got a phone call from somebody, and they told me that if I didn't leave you that night, they were going to do some nasty stuff to all of us." My blood runs cold, and Logan pulls me closer to him.

"Who?" I whisper.


"WHO?" I ask louder this time. He sighs once again, and he whispers,

"Lacey, it was your dad."

A/N: Hey guys! Cliffhanger!!!:o I'm such a mean person... Lol. Remember to vote, comment, and follow! Love you all! -C

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