Car Trouble

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"It was your dad."

My blood ran cold and I swear I could feel my heart stop for a second.

"My.... my dad?" I stammer, barely being able to get those few words out. Logan hangs his head and nods.

"When we got to the spot for our date, I thought nothing could be better than that moment. You were happier than I have ever seen you, and I thought the whole Dad situation was over. I thought we could finally move on.

And then that's when I get the call," He lifts up his head to look at me, tears threatening to pour out of his eyes. I move closer to him, and kiss his cheek, wanting him to say more. He pulls me into him, and continues,

"God, Lacey, he said that if I didn't leave at that moment, if I didn't leave you stranded, he was going to come back. He was going to take you again, but he told me that if he were to get his hands on you again, he wouldn't leave you alive this time. He told me he was done playing games."

"How do you react to that?" I thought to myself. My dad still wants me dead. Just the thought of being tied up to a seat again made me shiver. Logan pulled me even closer, if that was even possible.

"I was such a coward that day, I still regret to this day leaving you there." I sneak a glance at him, and see nothing but true regret and pain on his face.

"I remember being furious and confused when you left," I say softly, the memories of that night replaying in my head, making me shiver. "I tried to come up with an idea as to why you left me there, but none had come to mind. I was hurt in ways I thought weren't possible."

"I know you were, and I'm sorry, Lacey."

"No." Logan looked confused when I said the word.

"What do you mean, 'no?'" I sigh, and get up off of the bed.

"I mean that I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to have to constantly look over my shoulder because I'm afraid of my dad, who's behind bars."

"What do you want to do about it then, Lacey?" I close my eyes, a headache beginning to form.

"I don't know, Logan. I don't know."


I laid down on my bed, exhausted from the past few weeks. James had picked me up from the hospital a few hours after Logan told me what happened on the date. He's been busy working with the other guys to try and get their tour back on track. They told me that once Logan was healthy enough to perform, they would hit the road again, leaving me here with a few body guards to protect me. I didn't like the idea, but we all knew how well it went when I went with them.

Scott was also on my mind. He has changed so much since I last saw him. He was so nice.

Before I realized what I was doing, I pressed the call button on Scott's contact.

"Too late now..." I thought to myself.

"Hello?" Scott's voice is thick with sleep.

"Hey, Scott. It's Lacey. Can you help me with something real quick?" I ask.

"Sure! What's up?"

I end up telling Scott about my dad. He listened intently, which meant a lot to me. The old Scott would've interrupted me because he got bored.

"So now I have a psychopathic father who's in jail, and still wants me dead."

"Wow. Um... this is not something I would expect to hear at 2 in the morning."

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