The News

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"There's something you guys might want to see."

My heart starts to race and dread washes over me. I know exactly what he's about to show me.

He going to show me who my kidnapper is.

Logan fumbles with the remote, but manages to turn it to the correct channel. After the commercial break, we all sit silently and listen to the news reporter.

"This just in. The Los Angeles Police Department has found the man who is guilty for the kidnapping of Big Time Rush's, Lacey Maslow. The man was identified as Mike Maslow, who is indeed the father of James and Lacey Maslow. More will be revealed shortly."

My heart stopped. I felt James' hand tighten around mine. He was squeezing so hard that it hurt, but I was too paralyzed with fear to say anything.

Logan turned the TV off and looked over at us.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I say, before anyone could choke out their words, I painfully sat up and managed to slowly shuffle to the bathroom and lock myself in.

Once I locked the door I sat on the floor. My dad? I haven't seen my dad in years! I didn't even know he was still alive.

I felt tears brimming at the edge of my eyes, but I blinked them back. There was no way I was going to cry about this. This accident is only going to make me stronger, not weaker. If I ever get to see my dad, I'm going to keep my head up high and show him that he didn't hurt me at all.

After my little self-confidence boost, I reached up and unlocked the door. Logan and James were quietly talking beside my bed.

"I can't believe it's my dad. I've haven't seen him since I joined Big Time Rush." James says sorrowfully. Logan pats him on the back and says,

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Lacey is alive, and he will be behind bars. What more could we ask for?"

"Logan, you don't understand. Lacey isn't the first teenage girl he's kidnapped!" James hissed.

"W-What do you mean? She isn't the first?" Logan asked.

James sighed and said,

"No. No, she isn't. The police said they heard him confess that he's done this before, and that he knew exactly what he was doing."

"Oh my, God. Are you serious?"

My stomach dropped and I slowly got up off of the ground. I hissed in pain as my ribs were protesting against my movements. James and Logan immediately ended their conversation and helped me up. I was lifted and carried to my bed.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" Logan asks sweetly.

"I'm not the only girl he's kidnapped?" I ask, looking at my hands.

"You heard?" James mumbled. I nod my head in response and keep looking at my hands. James sighed loudly and continued where he left off his conversation with Logan.

"Yeah, you're not the only girl. All I know is that he confessed that a few hours ago and the police told me. Apparently he's been doing this for a while."

I looked up from my hands and met James' face with a horrified look on my face.

"He's not the same person anymore. He's not the dad that we knew." James said tensely.

I nod my head in agreement and say,

"I know." James looks up from the ground and looks at me.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." he apologized.

I laughed, which hurt more than it should.

"Everybody needs to stop apologizing to me. It's not their fault I got kidnapped."

James laughed and stood up.

" Well, I'm going to get something going to eat. Logan you coming?"

Logan looked up from his phone and replied,

"I'll meet you in just a minute." James nodded and left the room, only leaving me and Logan.

My Brother's Best Friend (a Logan Henderson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now