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"I met you in the dark,you lit me up,you made me feel as if I was enough"

*Levi's POV*


They wouldn't stop,The words,they continued to spin round my head as I stumbled aimlessly through the forest.

Tears threatened to fall as the voices continued to scream the words. I wanted to scream. 


I came to a clearing and collapsed down onto the floor, I lent my back on a log bringing my knees to my chest and I finally let the tears fall.

I cried loudly,sobs racking through my body as I cried.

I rolled up my sleeves and scratched at the cuts that were scattered down my arm re-opening them. 

I continued to sob till I was practically choking on tears.

Then I heard a twig crack from my left.

I held my breath,fighting back the sob that was threatening to escape.

"Hello." A female voice said.

I pulled down my sleeves and rested my arms on top of my knees,burying my head into them wiping my tears as I did so.

I heard footsteps coming nearer. I tensed up and turned my head to face in the opposite direction.

I felt someone sit next to me.

I tensed up more preparing for more hurtful words or at least a kick in my back.

I got the complete opposite instead.

"Are you okay?" The same female voice asked softly.

I stayed quiet not wanting to reply.

The girl sighed.

"My name is Esme South" 

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now