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I wanna be your last first kiss

*Esme's POV*

I pulled away in shock and Levi looked at me with big eyes.

"Levi" I breathe.

"Oh, my god, I am so sorry" Levi starts as he backs away.

"Levi it's -"

"No Esme, I shouldn't have, I just, I like you and-" Levi begins to collect his stuff, throwing his alien hoodie back on.

"Levi" I say again.

"Oh my I ruin everything, Esme im sorry please don't-"

"Levi!" I shout and he stops.

I stand and walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

Levi stops and looks into my eyes, shock written all over his face.

I press my lips against his slightly parted ones.

Levi immediately kissed back and I felt a smile grown on his face and my heart fluttered.

Levi moved himself so his hands were on my hips and his body was pressed close to mine, and he deepened the kiss.

Our lips moved slowly in time and I soon melted into the kiss, his soft lips making my heart pound and fireworks explode in my stomach.

Levi soon reluctantly pulled away with a goofy grin covering his face and I smiled.

"I don't think you understand how long I've wanted to do that for." Levi said.

"Trust me, I understand" I say with a small blush.

Levi grinned and pulled me into a tight hug.

*3rd person*

He couldn't hold back. He quickly leaned in and kissed Esme, her words quickly disappearing into the kiss.

But she pulled away.

His heart dropped and his vision went blurry.

She said something but he couldn't hear her through his blind panic.

"Oh, my god, I am so sorry" he says hurriedly as he began picking up his things.

"Levi it's -"

"No Esme, I shouldn't have, I just, I like you and-" Levi begins to collect his stuff, throwing his alien hoodie back on.

"Levi" She says again.

"Oh my I ruin everything, Esme im sorry please don't-"

"Levi!" She shout and he stops.

She placed her hands onto his cheeks, forcing him to look at her.

"You don't ruin anything, I like you a lot too" She said softly.

Levi grins and she places her lips onto his again and she can feel him smiling through the kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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