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       "I'll be holding on to you"

The next day I wake up in my room at the normal time (8am) and walk into the bathroom.

I take a shower and change into a 1975 t-shirt and skinny black ripped shorts that reach just above the knee.

I put on extra concealer over my bruise and cuts and then do the rest of my make up as per usual.

I put on red lipstick and a few coats of mascara then left my face alone.

I pulled on a red checked shirt and a red TØP beanie over the top of my natural brown wavy hair.

I grab my bag and make my way out the door.

I meet Cecilia and the gang and surprisingly Levi in the deserted classroom.

"Hey guys" I say dumping my bag on a table and sitting on the table next to Levi.

"SHE'S ALIVE!" Drew cries.

I roll my eyes.

"Hey what happened to your face?" Cecilia asked.

"I fell out of bed...It was tragic" I said with a small laugh.

Lia rolls her eyes.

"Dipshit" she says.

I feel Levi looking at me and avoid eye contact shaking my head slightly.

My phone buzzed.

#'I'll get it out of you eventually -LJ x'#

The Bell goes and I reply with a quick 'lol no' before making my way to,my first lesson,history.


The morning dragged on slowly and eventually we made it to math.

Math is the only decent lesson as it is the last lesson and it has all the gang in the lesson and the teacher just cannot be arsed with the students anymore so he just let's us chat and sleep or whatever whilst he teaches thoes who actually listen.

I sit down next to Lia at the table in front of Levi and Austin,Nate and Drew were at the back in the middle row.

The teacher droned on and Lia had fallen asleep next to me with her limbs strewn basically everywhere.

Nate had face planted the desk....also asleep.

They were so made for each other.

I sigh and place my head in my hands.

I feel a kick on my chair and turn around.

"You okay?" Levi whispered.

I nod and smile before turning back around.

I looked up at the clock.


Only 10 minutes had passed.

School ended at 3:50 and my dad always expected me home at 4:15.

I look up at the whiteboard and attempt to intake whatever he was explaining but ended up staring blankly at the board.

I feel a small scrape against my arm and look down to see a folded piece of paper by my arm.

I pick it up and open it.


I look up to see the guys all standing up quietly.

I shake Cecilia awake and hand her the note and follow on behind Levi.

Once we were all safely out the class room we all begin to run like our lives depended on it.

We run throughout the school and then reach the gate.

Drew pulls it open as far as it would go and held it open for everyone.

We all dash through the gate and I hold it so Drew can get through then we all sprint as fast as possible.

We all decided to split up and make a pit stop at all our houses to pick up things like skateboards

I go over to Levi's and he let's me borrow his old skateboard and the two of us skate to the park together....well I attempt to.

"Okay so one foot on the board and one off to push" Levi explained.

"Sounds easy enough" I say confidently.

I was wrong.

I put on foot on the board and straight away end up on my ass.

Levi burst out laughing.

I pout and stand up wiping my ass.

"Are you okay?" Levi asked still grinning.

I nod.

"But it's still not funny" I say slapping Levi on the arm.

"Yes it is" He replies.

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now