f o u r t e e n

42 3 0

  I've been praying for somebody to save me, no one's heroic  

*Levis POV*

I ran from Esme, down the corridor and out of her sight.

I know I've hurt her, I know shes confused.

But I can't help it.

I know i'm over reacting.

But its to hard.

I can't suffer anymore.

I made it out of the corridor and out of the school and I ran home.

I stayed in my bedroom for the rest of the day, strumming songs, making music, thinking of Esme as I wrote.


I sighed and flopped back onto my bed checking the time.


I rolled over and pulled my phone off charge, turning it on.

My phone went crazy, vibrating as all the texts came through.

4 from Drew

2 from Nate

6 from Cecilia 

3 from Austin

10 from Esme.

I read through them all before messaging the group chat.

Sorry guys, I'm okay, I just need some time away :) 

I sighed as I sent the message, knowing they'd all start to worry.

I text Esme knowing she'd worry the most.

Hey, I'm so sorry about earlier, I over reacted over something small, I'm okay, I hope you are too x

Almost immediately she replied.

I'm okay, pretty relieved too, but still kinda confused, would you like to meet in our spot, normal time?? x 

I bit my lip considering it before reluctantly agreeing.

Sure :) 

*Esme's POV*

I sighed in relief as I read his text.

Sure :) 

I replied with a quick 'see you there' before placing my phone down and making my way downstairs.

My dad wasn't home tonight, Wednesday nights were always gambling night for my dad, so I had the house to myself.

I ordered a meat feast Pizza and a Pepsi before running to the corner shop and buying some sweets for later.

I decided to watch 'The Greatest Showman', my favourite film, for the 4th time this week. 


Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now