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"I'll thank my lucky stars for that night"

*Esme's POV*

I was strolling through the woods on the way to my 'thinking spot' as I seem to call it.

I was about to enter when I realise there's someone there.

It was a boy.

He had his sleeves rolled up showing the hundreds of reopened scars littered over his arms.

He was crying loudly and shaking violently as he did so.

My heart shattered at the sight of him.

I wanted to say something,but what do you say to a boy this broken?

I went to walk closer when I stepped on a twig which made a loud c r a c k.

The crying instantly stopped.

 I sigh rolling my eyes. 

Good move.

 "Hello?" I finally say.

The boy rolled down his sleeves hiding his bloody arms and curled up even more burying his head in his arms.

I walked closer to him and he turned his head away from me.

His hair was fairly long  and curly and he had dip dyed it blonde.

I sat down next to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask and immediately mentally face palmed. Obviously he wasn't.

The broken boy was quiet.

I sighed.

"My name is Esme South" I say.

Broken boy didn't reply.

I roll my eyes.

"Look,I just want to help you" I say trying to sound caring when I was actually getting impatient.

"What if i don't want your help?" Broken boy asks bitterly.

"Well that would just suck for you because i'm going to try anyway" I say leaning back on my arms and looking over at the boy.

Broken boy sighed.

"There's nothing you can do,I'm damaged beyond repair,you're gonna just have to throw me away and get a new one" Broken boy mumbles.

"What if I don't want to?" I ask mocking him.

"Cocky" Broken boy mutters.

"Rude" I say in reply.

Broken boy scoffs and turns his head to face me,still keeping his head in his arms.

I could see his eyes now.

They were a beautiful turquoise colour,the sort that could melt your heart in a second.

His eyes were rimmed red from crying and from what i could see,his face was had red blotchy patches.

My heart snapped at the thought of this beautiful boy being so broken.

We stayed quiet for a while occasionally stealing glances at each other.

"Levi" Broken boy said after a while.

"What?" I ask.

"My name,it's Levi,Levi Jones"

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now