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"I'm falling in love tonight"

*Levi's POV*

"Oh and for the record,If I thought you'd bother us,I wouldn't have invited you"

Esme's words swam around my head for the rest of the day.

It may sound stupid,but its been so long since I haven't been a burden to someone,its been so long that me being liked may as well be a myth.

Once I got home I showered and got changed into my red and white tie dye jumper and blue jeans and pulled my hair into a man bun.

I grabbed my keys and my phone and left.

Yep,I decided to go to Nates.

Nate only lived round the corner so It wasn't to hard to find where he lived.

I took a deep breath before ringing the door bell.

Thankfully Esme answered.

She looked up at me shocked.

"You came!" She exclaimed with a smile.

I shrugged with a nervous smile.

"Come in!" She cried grabbing my hand and pulling me into the house.

Esme dragged me through the hall and into the living room.

I looked up and saw 5 people staring back at me.

"Guys, this is Levi Jones,Levi meet Cecilia,Nate,Drew and Austin." 

I expected them to start shouting and someone to pin me against a wall but instead i got a chorus of  "hellos" and "nice to meet yous" 

"We were just about to start monopoly." Esme said and I groaned.

"That was literally my reaction, See we shouldn't play this!" Nate cried.

"Shut it" Esme said.

Nate threw his hands in the air.

"This is my house!" He cried.

"And?" Esme replied.

Nate glared at Esme causing me to chuckle.

I sat own around the coffee table between Nate and Esme and chose to play with the race car.


"Oh fuck this!" Nate cried and he stood up and flipped the board causing fake money and monopoly pieces to go everywhere.

We had been playing for around an hour and a half and Nate had pretty much lost the game.

"Nate!!" Everyone screamed.

I burst into a fit of laughter.

I haven't done that in years.

Cecilia chased after Nate calling him all the curse words under the rainbow as she was winning before Nate had a rage quit.

The others and I began to pick up all the pieces and place everything back in the box.

Once everyone had calmed down we had all decided to skip to the movie part of the movie and game night.

Everyone agreed on Suicide Squad and we all ran round the house collecting snacks and pillows and blankets and eventually everyone were settled around the living room.

Austin was curled up on one armchair,Drew was on the other,Nate and Cecilia were cuddling on the sofa and Esme and I were lying on the floor with a bowl of sour cream and onion Pringles and another with popcorn beside us.


I woke up to the sound of Twenty One Pilots' song Heathens playing at full blast.

I open my eyes to see the credits of Suicide Squad playing on the TV.

I groan and turn off the TV and look around the room.

Austin was curled up on the armchair with a blanket over him asleep.

Drew was asleep and had somehow moved and ended up upside down with his head hanging off the chair.

Nate and Cecilia were asleep. Cecilia was curled up with her head on Nate's chest and Nate's head was resting on his shoulder,he had his arm around Cecilia.

I looked down next to me. 

Esme was curled up on the floor next to me.

I stared at her,admiring every aspect of her face. 

Her slim button nose, The way her rosy lips naturally curl into a slight smile, her almond shaped eyes.

I hadn't noticed how truly beautiful she was until now.


Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now