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"I've got fake people showing me fake love"

*Levi's POV*

I sighed as I paid for my lunch and began making my way to a table for lunch.

"HEY,LEVI!" Someone from behind me shouted.


I slowly turned towards the direction of the voice.

I relaxed when I saw Esme smiling and waving me over.

I frowned and turned and looked behind me,checking to see if she really meant me.

"I mean you stupid" I heard Esme say.

I look at her confused but followed her to the table.

I was welcomed with a chorus of "Hey bro's" from the guys.

A girl I hadn't met yet skipped over and kissed Drew on the cheek.

I assumed that was Drew's girlfriend.

"Hey Nat" Drew sighed.

"Hey baby boy" She cooed and I cringed.

"That's Natalie,Drew's girlfriend,No one likes her" Esme whispered to me.

I nodded.

"I can see why" I replied.

"Oooh who's this absolute babe?" Natalie said.

She was looking at me.

I saw Drew frown.

My eyes widened.

"I'm uhhh Levi" I said.

"Well aren't you sexy? I'm Nat" She says walking round and placing her arms round my neck.

I tense up.

"Oh fuck off!" Cecilia shouted from next to me.

Natalie moved away from  me and walked over to Cecilia and I relaxed against the chair.

Esme placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" She asks.

I nodded.

"What did you say?" Natalie growls.

"Are you deaf? I said, fuck. off." Cecilia spat.

"And what if I don't?" Natalie said with a smirk.

"Would you please shut up,you're lowering the IQ of he whole school" Esme groans.

I raise my eyebrows slightly impressed.

Natalie turns her head and glares at Esme before walking back over to Drew and placing a sloppy kiss on his lips,winking at me and storming off.

I look at Drew to see a disgusted look on his face.

"Drew I-"

"I hate her" Drew mumbled,interrupting me.

"You alright bro?" Drew asks looking at me.

"Me? Uh yeah?" I say utterly confused.


The bell went off signalling the end of the day.

I collected my stuff and walked out the door slinging my rucksack over my shoulder.

I turned a corner and all of a sudden I was pinned against a wall.

"I know you want me really" 


"No,I really don't" I said struggling to get out of her grip.

"Oh stop being so innocent,just accept it,you want to have me" Natalie whispered sensually before kissing down my neck.

"Natalie please,let me go!" I shouted pathetically.

Natalie laughed before kissing me on the lips.

She slipped her tongue into my mouth and I almost gagged.

She began to grind against my crotch and I shuddered in disgust.

I began to struggle more and kick out with my legs.

I hear a shout and suddenly Natalie was off me and on the floor.

"Oh my god,Levi are you alright?" Esme said.

"Uh,Yeah" I say,my voice was shaky.

I didn't realise I was crying until Esme wiped stray tears away with her sleeve.

She wrapped her arms around my waist in a hug.

I hugged her 5" small frame back.

I heard a scream from behind me and Esme pulled away and I suddenly felt so alone again.

I turn to see Natalie on the floor with a broken and bloody nose with bruises all over her body and face. 

I look up and see Cecilia hovering over her.

"Leave Levi alone you slut,he doesn't want to catch an STD from you!" Cecilia screamed.

I smirked.

Cecilia walked over to us.

"Are you alright Levi?" She asked me.

"I will be" I replied.

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now