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"You hide it like an actress,with nothing but a smile on your face"

*Esme's POV*

Cecilia and I walked with Levi back to his place ignoring all his protests.

Once Levi was safely home,I looked down at my watch.


"Shit,shit,shit" I whispered.

"Whats wrong?" Lia asked.

"Nothing,I have to run,See you tomorrow?" I say.

I hug Lia before dashing away in the direction of my house.

I quietly open the door and tip toe into my house.

I walk slowly up the stair and then relax as I step into my bedroom. 

I throw my jacket onto my bed.

I'm about to start getting changed until I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head.

I whip around and see my dad with a belt in his hand.

His eyes were bloodshot and he was swaying slightly.

He was drunk.

"Daddy?" I say nervously.

"You were late,why were you late,sweetie?" He asks way to sweetly.

"My friend...he was hurt" I said my voice shaking.

"Your friend was hurt?!" He asks slowly.

"Y-yes...daddy" I reply.

My dad doesn't reply.

He lifts his arm an plunges a fist into my stomach before whipping me with his belt across my body and face.

He kicks me one last time before walking out and leaving me barely conscious on my bedroom floor.


My eyes flutter open.

I'm still on my bedroom floor in my clothes from before.

It's dark.

I sit up groaning,my head throbbing.

I reach for my phone and turn it on to find hundreds of messages from Cecilia and Levi all asking where I was.

I had been unconscious for a whole day.

I groan and slowly stand up pain shooting all over my body.

I pick out a baggy 1975 jumper and a pair of leggings and then jump into the shower washing off the blood from my body.

I jump out and dry off.

I look at my body in the mirror.

It was covered in scars and bruises.

Some old,some new.

Some from my dad and some I did to myself.

I had a large gash across my left cheek and a bruise on my right eye.

I get dressed into my jumper and leggings and tie my damp hair into a messy bun and I grab my keys and phone and leave my house as quiet as possible.

I walked into the woods and found my spot and sat down and curled up in a ball.

I don't feel like crying,so I just sit,my mind was quiet.

"Hey" A familiar American accent said softly behind me.

"Hey" I reply.

"Are you okay,why weren't you at school today?" Levi asks sitting down next to me.

I hesitated.

"Tummy bug,I'm okay now" I lie,giving him a small smile.

"You're lying"Levi said.

"How- No I'm not" I say catching myself.

Levi gives me a pitiful smile,his smile falls when he sees my face.

"What happened!?"He asks.

"Fell over on the way here"I mumble looking away.

"Please Esme,I want to help!" Levi begged.

That's when I cracked.

I burst into tears.

"You can't,You can't help me!"I cried.

Levi pulled my into a hug.

He stayed quiet,rubbing my back as I cried into his shoulder.

Once I had stopped crying Levi and I stayed quiet,He didn't let go of me.

I didn't want him to.

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now