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"Know that everything's will be alright"

That night I stayed over at Cecilia's as that was the safest option considering the time we got was 10:56.

Cecilia and I watched films and she practically forced KFC and monster energy drinks down my throat...

She loves them a little too much.

Eventually Lia fell asleep and I lay staring up at the ceiling with the energy drinks still flowing through my veins.

I sigh and roll out of Lia's bed.

I throw on a jumper and grab some Haribo sweets off Lia's desk.

I pull on my converses and make my way to the woods.

I treck through the forest until eventually I find my spot.

I sit down on the floor opening the Haribos.

"Fancy seeing you here" Someone said reaching into my bag of sweets.

I jump and scream.

"Holy shit,it's me!" The voice I recognised as Levis said.

"Bloody hell" I breathe.

"Sorry" Levi laughed.

Levi and I sit in silence for a while eating my sweets.

"So what did your dad say when you got home?" Levi asked.

"I didn't go home,I'm staying at Lia's...he's gonna kill me tomorrow" I said.

Unfortunately I wasn't being melodramatic....

Levi placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Everything's gonna be fine" Levi whispered.

I nodded and looked up at him with a small smile.

Levi gave me a small comforting smile on reply.

His eyes were a sparkling light blue now.

I leant my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes with a small sigh.

"Tired?" Levi asked.

"Shattered" I reply.

"Why are you here then?" Levi asked with a small laugh.

"Lia gave me energy drinks so my body is very awake." I sigh.

Levi chuckled and leant his head on mine.

We sat in a comfortable silence until slowly I began to fall asleep.

"Um,no,I don't think so,I am not carrying your sleeping self all the way to Cecilia's you can wake yourself up and go back" Levi says.

I groan in response.

"Nope!" Levi said stubbornly.

I sigh and slowly and sleepily stand up and Levi walks with me to Cecilia's and bids me goodnight before setting off home.

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now